Keen ramblers can also sniff out a route to The Nostrils on the Isle of Wight.
In Tanzania, mine-sweepers are training local rats, which scratch when they sniff out land mines.
That means people are able to sniff out suitable MHC genomes in prospective partners.
Moreover, dogs have been trained to sniff out DVDs for raids on large bootlegging operations.
FORBES: Education Is Best Weapon Against Web Piracy, not SOPA
Or a machine that can sniff out explosives with greater accuracy than a pack of police dogs.
Mr Bremer is also nominating a bevy of general inspectors, one for each ministry, to sniff out corruption.
Drew Nyman patrols with Emily, a Belgian Malinois shepherd deployed to sniff out insurgent humans in their hidey holes.
The dogs are not currently used specifically to sniff out explosives on people.
The company tracks the price of tickets in secondhand markets over time, attempting to sniff out trends in pricing patterns.
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It doesn't take long for Goliath -- the crowd favorite and big, hairy corporate incumbent -- to sniff out the intruder.
They are trained to sniff out a chemical used in disc production, but cannot distinguish between real and the pirated DVDs.
While there is no surefire on-the-spot way to sniff out dissemblers, there are some helpful clues and tactics for uncovering untruths.
Both in Italy and in France, truffle hunters train dogs like the Lagotto Romagnolo to sniff out the elusive underground truffles.
All the while, they sniff out incompetent medical care and the odd murder that might have passed for a slip in the bathtub.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement will police the no-fly zone that already exists over the capital, and provide dogs that can sniff out explosives.
At the time, the only news we could sniff out was an old story about a private equity bid circulating late last year.
Trained dogs were asked to sniff out a study group that included lung cancer patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, and healthy volunteers.
FORBES: How Dogs Beat Doctors in Identifying Early-Stage Lung Cancer
That went down well with the members of the parliament, a democratic institution, accustomed to coalition politics and keen to sniff out a monetary Napoleon.
Now the Clinton administration, never slow to sniff out a politically-correct political opportunity, has jumped in to claim the costs not covered by that judgment.
Despite the problems, foreign utilities are starting to sniff out opportunities.
Saudi Arabia hopes that the private sector, newly unencumbered, will sniff out fresh opportunities, diversifying the economy in response to market signals rather than royal decrees.
You would think even those subjects with advanced degrees in other fields would have enough exposure to math and statistics to sniff out the bogus equation.
You may be implored to sniff out the vanilla and dark honey notes of an Ecuadorian Le Loja, or taste bouquets of red berries in an Ethiopian Sidamo Ardi.
Nor is Phoenix equipped to detect micro-organisms, though it will be able to sniff out organic molecules if these are around, and that will be a tantalising clue.
It is a fitting tribute to the fungus's foragers, who venture deep into the woods along with trained dogs and, sometimes, pigs to sniff out the knobby buried treasures.
WSJ: Eric Ripert's Truffle and Fall Vegetable Tagliatelle | Slow Food Fast
Paystubs and W2s used to be sufficient income proof for salaried people, but now tax returns were added to the mix to sniff out deal killing unreimbursed employee expense write-offs.
Software can also sniff out whether there was an unnecessary number of lawyers on a conference call or if the client is being charged for putting documents in chronological order.
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Mostly Belgian Malinois and German shepherds, some Labrador retrievers and golden retrievers, these war canines are trained to take bullets for their comrades, detect roadside bombs and sniff out other dangers.
Mr McCain adds to his unpopularity by personalising his crusade, employing a staff man to sniff out his colleagues' pork and then exposing it for all to see on his website.