Let's hear a little snippet of Pony describing what Billie Holiday was like as a young girl.
At Kleine Nachtrevue, it took just one quick snippet of burlesque to get us hooked.
He was really bouncing hard on that bench toward the end of this 90-second snippet of a long song!
CNN: 'American Idol' recap: We're all in the mood for a melody
When U.K.-based developer Paul Preece built a Flash game called "Desktop Tower Defense, " he added a snippet of Mochi code.
"You can't just show a snippet that makes it seem worse than it is, " said Rozelle, the Stetson University professor.
Basically, it involves using a small hairpin shaped snippet of RNA to turn off a single gene at a time.
"You can't just show a snippet that makes it seem worse than it is, " said Rozelle, the Stetson University law professor.
In his talk, Nohl played back a recorded snippet of audio he had captured and decrypted from his own mobile phone.
You take a snippet because that seems to be the largest piece of information that YOUR mind can process at a time.
Another thing I heard at one meal at a Red Lobster restaurant was just a snippet but it sure got my attention.
Catch a short snippet of the early LEMV journey after the break.
Using it, a snippet of text as short as 20 characters can be assigned unerringly to the language it was written in.
On Wednesday, a video snippet showing Research In Motion co-Chief Executive Mike Lazaridis sparring with a BBC reporter whipped around the Internet.
As my taxi sped down the bleak southern highway to Imam Khomeini International Airport, a snippet of dialogue played, unbidden, in my mind.
Of course, reading the book for yourself, rather than merely reading a snippet of this review, is ultimately part of his recommendation for moving forward.
The Beastie Boys are sued for using a six-second snippet of an obscure flute recording--even though they got a release from the record company beforehand.
She says they injected intravenously two differing amounts of an RNA snippet that blocks the gene that makes apolipoprotein B, a key component in cholesterol.
This is an interesting little snippet from a senior Samsung executive.
This snippet contradicts the very purpose its trying to inspire.
After hearing just one snippet of dialogue, Booth would know, to the minute, how much time had elapsed from curtain raising, and how much time remained in the performance.
The results are based mainly on a phonetic transcript of the video clips, and you can play the snippet that contains your search term right on the TVEyes page.
"Gentleman" and "Psy" were two of the most searched for keywords on South Korea's biggest online portal, Naver, on Thursday, as Psy posted a snippet of his new dance.
CNN: Psy hopes for another viral smash hit with Gangnam sequel
And then, buoyed up by the music, it was time for my very own snippet of Olympic glory -- entering the echoing bowl of the stadium, to the cheers of spectators.
Publishers were initially peevish about Flipboard since it seemed to be scraping a large enough snippet of content from sites to discourage people from going to the site where the ads are served.
It has a much better chance of changing the mind of a designer who uses only a snippet of the stuff rather than that of a company built around the fur industry itself.
To give you an example, here is a snippet from an email exchange that I recently had with an ETF provider concerning the high expense ratio of a new fund and how they were marketing the product.
The drama behind "Reply All, " a snippet from a spot that shows what happens when a worker hits the wrong e-mail button, and a creepy, soul-searching "Carma" ad (hint: don't run over the beavers), will finally be revealed this Sunday.
There will still be plenty of goodies on that front, however, including the TrackID service mentioned on those new handsets, which'll let you identify a snippet of music off the radio and then grab it straight off the PlayNow Arena service.
ENGADGET: Sony Ericsson announces plans for PlayNow Arena service
Zeneca ordered a "wet" copy of a promising gene, in the form of a clone -- a colony of bacterial cells whose members all carry the desired snippet of DNA. These bacterial guinea pigs can then be used to try out antibacterial chemicals.
The box held the tune, "The Maiden's Prayer, " and sent a snippet of a melody that seemed to convey a girl's heartfelt wish when it was opened and then halted when it was closed, and then the sad music continued from where it had stopped.