• We can too easily imagine the flickering skin, the snorting and pawing, the frantic runs at the fence.

    BBC: Missing pieces in Utah

  • Well, apparently you should also avoid snorting a gallon of bacteria-laden Costa Rican river water.

    WSJ: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams's Year Without Fear

  • Signs with the insignia of a black bull's head, at times drawn with its nostrils snorting steam.


  • Rodgers, a star of the 1980s, who is such a snorting-bull control freak that he's become a self-caricature.

    FORBES: CLASS STARS: 1995-2000

  • You know, the famous mobile device game that launches birds in a slingshot to crush ugly, snorting pigs.

    FORBES: Well That Was Awkward

  • The fire grows louder, popping and snorting as it gallops up the slope.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Woodsburner'

  • And Jeannette was snorting like a bull and glowering at any interlopers.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Dog Days'

  • If the burger is particularly good, you might catch yourself snorting in pleasure, thoughtlessly licking a finger, or grunting an answer to a question.

    NPR: Building a Better Burger

  • Both nights I was awakened by a pod of hippos providing a little night music: belching, bickering, grunting, and snorting their way toward sunrise.

    FORBES: Lifestyle Feature

  • As the body notices that it needs oxygen, it tries to take in a large amount of air, causing a gasping, snoring or snorting sound.

    CNN: How can someone stop or reduce snoring?

  • As we draw closer, the neat line turns into a snorting tangle of reindeer, steam from the melted snow beneath their hooves rising above their heads.

    BBC: In Sweden, a long journey home

  • The filmmakers try to make Arquette and Slater lovably goofy compared to the rest of the characters, including the atavistic mafiosi of Detroit and the coke-snorting scuzzballs of Hollywood.

    NEWYORKER: True Romance

  • This snarling, fire-snorting Chimera, which has a storied history, epitomizes the mythical monster that figures in many classical Greek texts and was first mentioned, among those that survive, in Homer's "Iliad": it's a dramatic fusion of a lion's head and body, a serpent forming the tail, and a horned, bearded goat's head and neck protruding from the spiked spine of the lion.

    WSJ: The Imaginary Made Nearly Read | The Chimera of Arezzo | Masterpiece by Judith H. Dobrzynski

  • Casting back on his day in his nightly examination of conscience, Hopkins accused himself of a snorting, sour, unspiritual tone to some of his conversations, prayed for those who'd died, were injured, or lost loved ones in the shipwreck, but thanked God for the beauties and contrarities of nature, the tonic of outdoor exercise, and the cheer and solace of his Jesuit brothers.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Exiles'

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