• But the screw is so simple and cheap--most cost less than a penny apiece to make--that it has been easier to design around its deficiencies than to come up with a better model.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In many cases this low-quality content is produced by so-called content-farms that produce it on the cheap.

    FORBES: The Real Value of the Huffington Post's Blogs

  • With modern hardware so cheap, Intel-based servers that dish out applications and data have proliferated like rabbits.

    ECONOMIST: Putting a stop to online infection

  • Put in place to defend individual freedom, our brilliant Constitution made us free enough to develop and democratize free-speech technologies so cheap and powerful they can now be controlled only by property rights and local culture.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ok, so RFID tags - tiny, cheap computer chips - will change the world when they are attached to everything from a tub or margarine to a packet of fags (if, you can still buy those in 10 years' time).


  • Although he confesses to being a "coding novice, " Langevin taught himself how to use Arduino -- a very cheap and increasingly popular microcontroller -- so that he could get his prosthetic hand to move.

    CNN: Print your own life-size robot for under $1,000

  • That meant pirates could buy cheap boxes and so-called smart cards that were being subsidized by the company, hack into the system and get free service.

    FORBES: Stealing The Show

  • But institutional investors, especially those that like to invest in what they consider cheap stocks (so-called value investors), have had to follow their lead or dramatically underperform their rivals.

    ECONOMIST: Fairy tale

  • If students facing large debts decide that a so-so course at a so-so university isn't so attractive after all, there may be summer sales, with places going cheap in clearing, or perhaps early-bird discounts for students who make a particular institution their first choice.

    ECONOMIST: The birth pangs of a market in higher education

  • It could, of course, be burned in the US to make power - but shale gas is so cheap that it's not worthwhile.

    BBC: Biomass may hinder climate fight

  • One of the reasons Internet use has grown so rapidly is because it is cheap - and it is cheap mainly because, in most cities around the world, there is no per-minute charge for calls to local Internet service providers.

    CNN: With a Little Help From a Foe

  • Besides, greens often claim that the American economy is so energy-inefficient that it is littered with cheap carbon savings.

    ECONOMIST: Energy policy and the environment

  • For credit-worthy borrowers, loans are so cheap that they are almost free.

    FORBES: Economic Forecast Update, 2013-2014: Light-to-moderate Growth

  • This was made clear in a speech last week by the prime minister, who talked about building on the Treasury's use of so-called "credit easing" to channel cheap finance to housing projects, businesses and infrastructure.

    BBC: Government becomes banker to the private sector

  • Where once the West relied on China's lack of environmental enforcement to tamp down rare-earth prices and implicitly subsidize high-tech goods, in the future the nature of the subsidy will change so that China's cheap(er) labor will subsidize Western mid-tech goods.

    WSJ: Business Asia: Postcards From the Rare-Earth Front

  • Thirty years ago, as I started my so-called career, not a single person told me that computers and technology would get so cheap that they would practically end up being given away in boxes of Cheerios.

    FORBES: 12 Rules For Game-Changing Entrepreneurs

  • So color digital printing won't be cheap--5 to 10 cents per page versus a fraction of a penny for offset.

    FORBES: Hot type

  • Adjust the reserve to a more typical level--and thereby move the tangible book down by a like amount--and Citi doesn't look so cheap.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They may also be instrumental in the next generation of almost-invisible computational devices, ones so small and cheap they could be woven into your clothes.

    FORBES: The Titan of the Teensy

  • The state banking system, for instance, keeps deposit rates low so that it can provide cheap credit to over-leveraged state enterprises and cash-strapped local governments.

    FORBES: East Asian Economies Slump

  • Opposition to the treaty has come especially from European carmakers who have argued the agreement benefits South Korea by allowing Korean manufacturers to reclaim duties paid on cheap imports from neighbouring countries - so-called duty drawback.

    BBC: EU-South Korea trade deal backed by European Parliament

  • The three that are most attractive Applied Materials, KLA-Tencor and Intel are so cheap that they are trading at discounts to the capitalized value of their current EVA. That is, all are priced as though their future EVA is headed south.

    FORBES: Intel, Applied Materials Among Top 5 Semiconductor Bargains

  • The real trick to getting cheap fares is to travel during the so-called shoulder season, according to Anne Banas, executive editor of SmarterTravel.com.

    WSJ: How (and When) to Snag Cheap Airfares

  • Renewable energy remains too expensive, too land-hungry, too unreliable and too small-scale to take up much slack, so cheap coal and newly abundant natural gas will do the job.

    WSJ: After Japan's Earthquake and Fukushima Disaster, Matt Ridley on Gas-Fired Generation and Thorium | Mind & Matter

  • Applied Materials (nasdaq: AMAT - news - people ), are working to improve another thin-film technology that is extremely cheap but so inefficient it can't yet match First Solar in cost per kwh.

    FORBES: Storm Clouds

  • We said we were building children's self-esteem so they could be successful, but it never occurred to us that giving kids what psychologists call "cheap self-esteem" could do more harm than good by making our kids think they're 10-feet tall and bulletproof when they're neither.

    CNN: Commentary: Joe, Kanye, Serena -- aren't they special?

  • Also, until recently, China lacked a reliable and cheap method of shipping packages, so the e-commerce industry has invested in developing one.

    ECONOMIST: E-commerce in China

  • After its first four attempts at malls, which were a disaster, Mr Allen now thinks Seiyu has learnt the tricks of the trade, offering super-cheap leases to the crowd-pulling stores so that money-earning small retailers will want to open up too.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese retailing

  • So far Beijing seems to be going for power-projection on the cheap -- through missile development.


  • The benefits of importing semi-skilled needleworkers are less so, particularly since they are not cheap.

    ECONOMIST: Importing Asian energy

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