Like all those we honor today, Deputy Hopper is also survived by the fellow officers who she meant so much to, and who meant so much to her.
She was so full of life, so funny, so interested in people, so kind and so good to all of us writers, who came after her.
Mr. CHAPIN: So the politics literally are everywhere and so as someone who really cares about elections, it's comforting to me to know that the polling place is a safe place for voters.
There are so many issues and so many young people who are affected.
Tonight, we will open these doors and let the men and women who Ronald Reagan served so faithfully file past and say goodbye to a man who meant so much to so many.
So I want to congratulate our troops and civilians who are serving so capably in Iraq, and I want to congratulate the Iraqi people who have taken an important step forward in pursuit of a better future.
There are so many people who know so much about him and who revere him I just saw a minefield of disappointment frankly.
And so, I think its appealing that way, and so it attracts folks who have a lot of money to spend on building their dream house that may be as much as 20 or 30, 000 square feet.
MRS. OBAMA: But she is amazing, and we are just truly impressed with her and so many others -- so many of you who have spent so much time on this campaign and supporting us over these last four years.
So add to that tonight's solo performance being so heartfelt, so raw and so personal, the only members of the audience who wouldn't have shed a tear would be those without an ounce of compassion in their body.
The success of Margin Call proved that those who prefer to watch movies in theaters will do so and those who want to watch online, will watch online.
Gap ups, in markets that may be turning allow for just the opposite where trapped longs who were looking for the ability to exit will do so and shorts who have been waiting patiently will begin to attack.
So the ranchers complained, and so did the hunters, who were losing elk and moose to wolves.
"Eto'o is a player who is loyal to the club colours, who gives so much and who makes you love him, " Laporta said.
Can I just run across you really quick and ask each of you to say if you've decided who to vote for, and if so, who?
"Thanks to family friends and neighbours and to Ronan's friends and colleagues who were all a great source of support and comfort and who helped in so many ways at this time, " the acknowledgement said.
In 2007 we published the proposed rates and there were a number of services who objected and so it went to the tribunal, who fixed the rates for a two year period.
It really makes my day to see someone who enjoys our products so much and who supports us in the good times and bad.
But unless something is done to defeat the disease, years from now people who are today young and strong will be fighting it, and -- when the disease strikes their favorite actors, athletes and singers who are in 2012 so full of youth and energy, and who will inevitably grow old -- they, too, will be reminded of the passing years, and of life's memories lost and found.
And so who will investigate the Justice Department for spying on The Associated Press?
And so anyone who primarily paid attention to conservative media outlets got a fundamentally skewed picture of reality.
FORBES: Decentralized Media Industry Places New Demands on Readers
And so many people who need support but... believe that no-one will care.
BBC: Mental illness 'biggest UK health challenge' - Miliband
The heroes of the evolution are people, like Lucy and so many others who have dedicated their lives to this cause.
But what does it say to communities in South Korea, Japan, Greenland and so on who see whale hunting as quite normal?
This is very different from Greece, Ireland, Spain and so on who simply did not have this room for maneuver.
FORBES: Italian Elections: The Real Problem Is The Primary Surplus Means Italy Can Leave The Euro
And so those who are prone to condemn the actions of those who have gone before (while harvesting the fruits of their efforts) might take pause.
WSJ: Michael Hayden: Birthers, Truthers and Interrogation Deniers
We tell them, our children, about the millions of Poles and Catholics and Roma and gay people and so many others who also must never be forgotten.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
They were wrong, and so will conservatives who believe a Republican win this year means voters want healthcare reform repealed, government programs drastically cut and the Obama Administration hounded with investigations.
And so people who lost their job early this year are now having their severance packages go away and they're starting to have to look for work in a major way.
After all, Rosa Parks, and so many others who fought and sacrificed for equality and justice of all, paved the way for the election and re-election of the first African-American president.