That memo you wrote last week, the one I was so annoyed about, doesn't matter now.
This is cool, I think, especially since I find myself so annoyed by the Pawn chatter still.
Ben Bleikamp, a designer at GitHub, a San Francisco software company, was so annoyed by CEOs trying to act like Mr. Jobs that he wrote a rant on his blog last summer.
He is battling now against a French attempt to call a conference in Paris next month on the basis of Mr Obama's formula that so annoyed him last month: that the starting point should be the 1967 line, with mutually agreed land swaps and security provisions.
Even so, Blair seems annoyed that smaller competitors have been getting all the buzz lately.
So customers are increasingly annoyed at the complexity of making the various technologies work together.
His turned-up nose once annoyed him so much that for a while he slept with a peg on it.
It's so small you don't notice it or so large you're annoyed.
So while he was only mildly annoyed that we ended up donating twice what we had planned, he was mostly irritated that I bought a dinner party for six people to be held at someone's house a half-hour away.
Customers, however, have been annoyed for many years, so it must have taken something else for the two arch-rivals to make peace now.
Even so, Mr. Ives's play made me laugh so hard that other audience members were clearly annoyed with me.
And while they care about it, they've been much less vocal, and I think they're probably a little annoyed that the Bell guys have been so loud about this.
Wenger is annoyed that Henry, 29, has played so many games for France this season.