Your friend gets a new sports car, for example, and now you want to trade in your late-model Camry so as to appear to be just as successful.
Arty situated himself next to her, not so close as to fall within the weather of her communicable diseases but not so far as to appear rude.
Her skin was so pale as to appear luminous in the low light.
In "The Age of Innocence, " Edith Wharton wrote of turn-of-the-century American society belles stowing away their fresh-from-Paris dresses for at least a season or two, so as to not appear vulgar in New York society.
Imagine a computer so simple and user friendly as to appear next to the oven and Kitchen Aid mixer, a tool that you could integrate into your everyday life.
Viewers have an opportunity to engage visually in the adventure that accompanies the struggle of so many of these artists as they work at what appear to be self-set tasks.
WSJ: The Concrete Challenges of Abstraction | Inventing Abstraction | By Tom L. Freudenheim
No corporate attacks so far appear to have been as big as the one on Saudi Aramco.
FORBES: Corporate Attacks Hint Of A Coming 'Cyber Pearl Harbor'
But what is strangest in all this fuss is the idea that simply by making them he has put himself far beyond the pale of respectable discourse, as so many of his critics appear to believe.
The trading profits that have been so crucial to the big banks in recent years appear to have been hit as the September stock-market rally was built on relatively low trading volume and trading spreads have narrowed.
Despite the age-old idea that each generation is more reckless than the last, Bieber and his famous peers don't appear to be rebelling so much as they're just getting older.
Some of his buildings appear to be not so much constructed as randomly stuck together.
There are some limited exceptions to the preceding broad legal shield, such as when a publisher establishes a duty of care by carrying out its own investigation or analysis of a product or service and explicitly holds itself out as having done so, but that does not appear to be the case here.
FORBES: Lance Armstrong Will Likely Settle Readers' Claims -- And Admit No Wrongdoing
So there appear to be predisposing factors at work, as well as the triggering effect of the autoantibodies.
So that means if Musharraf were to win, it could appear as a victory by default which might already weaken his standing.
As it stands, so to speak, they all walk around on what appear to be little stubs where their boots ought to be.
So as advanced Southern Corridor schemes might appear on paper, the real space to watch is when and how Azerbaijan decides to play their aces.
In so far as Mr Bush's views can be discerned, they would appear to lean slightly towards trying to remove Saddam.
Other portions of the track are marked with chest-high arrows so walkers know which way to go if waist-deep floodwaters suddenly appear, as they often do.
When they pay royalties for the oil, US law allows them to treat part of these payments as income taxes, so their tax number will appear higher when the oil price is higher.
Investors appear to be putting these pieces together, as S shares have rallied nearly 40% so far this year.
FORBES: Sprint Rallies as Oprah Show Finale Spearheads Ad Blitz
So as McCain fights to hold on to states President Bush won in 2004, he needs to peel off states that currently appear to clearly be in Obama's column.
That debt was made to disappear temporarily so that at the end of the quarter Lehman would not appear to investors, counterparties, regulators and rating agencies as a firm about to become insolvent.