So come on Wimbledon - you've got loads of money, spend some of it on a roof, for the sake of all of the ordinary but very loyal British tennis fans.
That's exactly the same price as the 12C, so come on, you HP and TI diehards -- duke it out and tell us which brand makes the better adding machine once and for all, won't you?
ENGADGET: TI joins HP, creates official business calculator port for iPhone
Much of the nation's post passes through London on its way elsewhere, so if they come out on strike the ripple effects could disrupt deliveries across the country.
They have come so far on a very difficult journey during the World Cup.
Investigations, constraints on how you can leverage that market power and so on come into play.
Diamond says he discovered that the Times was short-staffed on weekends, so he said he would come in on Sundays.
All regulators have to do now is organize effectively so as to come good on this promise.
Why wouldn't you submit this in advance so that you can come on Thursday and say what exactly it's been scored as?
That may offer part of the explanation for why the Fund has come down so strongly on one side of the debate.
There are up to four players being talked to right now and they're trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together.
If so, though, the master who has come to rely on him so much may be mournfully trotting close behind.
So the pressures that then come on to doctors are to distort waiting list figures, to push through GP referrals.
The fact that they surface with some regularity is a source of delight to the neutral, less so to those who come out on the losing side.
So China has come to depend on exports, especially to the United States, to absorb that excess capacity -- something U.S. consumers were happy to do especially over the past decade.
Well what we've achieved so far and the core - I'll come on to the core in a second - but what we've achieved so far is that sex offenders, once they're released from prison, must sign on to the sex offenders' register within 72 hours, if they don't they face prison sentences of up to five years, instead of six months.
They were so used to the master saying come on, let's go for a walk.
This Opinion is as close as we have come so far to a ruling on the choice-of-law issues involving asset protection trusts, outside of the foreign trust context.
So how come Linux has a presence on smartphones?
FORBES: Even Linux Has A Greater Smartphone Market Share Than Windows Phone
Its Mirage masks are widely considered the most comfortable on the market, so Farrell's sales force uses them as a come-on.
Women's sport has come on leaps and bounds so it's high time there was equal opportunity at the Olympics.
Waugh said the symptoms of the disease had come on very rapidly and so were very difficult to spot.
And so I am calling on Congress to come back to Washington today.
FORBES: Once More, With Feeling: The Press Conference the President Should Have Given
So it should come as no surprise that on another front in the battle for inheritance, the widow Cleide prevailed.
FORBES: The Soap Opera Behind The Billionaire Heirs Of Bradesco, One Of Brazil's Largest Banks
Some would have dropped out of high school, but instead come to school so they can be on the handball team.
And so they've sort of come together on the major points that they want to achieve, and even some of the details to some extent have been ironed out.
Mr Bellerive also points out that at least 40% of any aid money goes on the salaries, insurance, cars and so on of the foreigners who come to hand it out.
We hope Republicans will post their ideas either on their Web site, or we'd be happy to post them on ours, so that the American people could come to one location and find out the parameters of what will largely be discussed on Thursday.