"It's so embarrassing, the amount of money that was wasted because I acted like a big company, " she says.
It was so embarrassing that "I never skipped school again, " says that daughter, Marilyn Ruberry, now a bookkeeper in Raymond, Alberta.
What makes the latest about-face so embarrassing is that Mr Fox and his officials have insisted that the issue at stake in the mayor's prosecution is one of principle: the rule of law and the notion that nobody is above it.
Like, it was so embarrassing that, you know, it's like sometimes you're kind of like looking for that area where you're, like, being subversive and sneaking in, and this was one of those ones where we kind of felt like we should've changed our name to DeHo.
It is of course ever so slightly embarrassing that the bug should manifest itself just as Apple launches an ad campaign featuring the function.
The BSA says stammering can be so painful and embarrassing that people withdraw into a shell so they can avoid situations where they have to speak.
Your best option is to overwhelm the bad content with the good, so that the embarrassing links are less likely to rank high.
But the two languages also have a number of faux amis, friends so false that they will provoke many an embarrassing misunderstanding.
Just as the Atlanta Falcons still have a waiting list for season tickets in the wake of the Michael Vick fiasco and the New York Knicks increased their season renewal rate after an embarrassing sexual-harassment trial, so too will baseball keep rolling.
That particular game was plagued by operational issues, including an embarrassing delay of the national anthem, so afterward, a frustrated Yormark made a promise to fans via social media.
Uncover what your emotional triggers are so you can predict and head off any potentially rash or embarrassing responses to peers or bosses.
WSJ: Cultivating Your 'Soft Skills' Can Help You Get Ahead in Your Job
This is an hilarious, heartfelt, mortifying, embarrassing speech, at least for the first hour or so.
It could be embarrassing for the government to oppose a case that looks so reasonable.
To put it another way, the Bank is saying that in a business-as-usual way, with no stigma attached and at a cheaper interest rate, it will provide the funds that till now it would only provide through its so-called discount window - which is where banks go to borrow in an embarrassing emergency.
We put a lot of work into the physics of the dress so it behaves correctly, the way it needs to and doesn't put her in any embarrassing positions.
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