Jet fuel is kerosene, so it does not have an octane rating but a cetane rating.
It is an online game so it does require an Internet connection to play at all times.
All right, so it does seem a bit highbrow written down, but trust me, it was enthralling!
Does it collect revenues in the most efficient way so it does the least harm to the economy?
FORBES: Scoring Tax Reform: Budget Baselines Don't Really Matter
So it does address certain things in Facebook in a very different way.
FORBES: How Will Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Look in One Year?
The government knows this, so it does not want to increase interest rates to attract even more foreign inflows.
FORBES: Brazil Fails to Save Dollar; Likely to Give up Trying
There have been some shootings, you know, referencing both these gangs going back and forth so it does concern us.
This omniscience comes at a price: its resolution is only 250 metres, so it does not pick up smaller clearings.
ECONOMIST: What the numbers do and don't say about deforestation
So it does not say, we couldn't construct a system which is a bit more regulated, which they both played a part.
She is delaying her decision so it does not divert attention from this year's political races, including the New York City mayoral race.
The tuner receives the television signal from an antenna so it does not require an internet connection or use up any mobile data.
The data is current as of June 21, so it does not include the break in prices those markets suffered later in the week.
FORBES: Speculators Increase Bullish Gold, Silver Positions, Cut PGMs -- CFTC Data
But the Wilson balls are quick and then they do slow down a lot so it does take a bit to get used to.
"They tend to send more cheers than they do taunts, so it does tilt towards positive encouragement, " said Nichiketa Choudary a senior product manager at FitBit.
He lets the film speak for itself, and so it does -- of humanity as well as primitive rage and horror on both sides of the battle.
So it does artists an injustice to suggest, as this exhibition does, that they are simply cynical critics looking down their noses at the masses crowding today's museums.
Every penny that is spent on the space program goes to people's salaries, so it does provide jobs and income to people and to companies, small and large.
It's not relevant to the problem at hand in Iraq and so it does make sense for Gates to surround himself with people who might be viewed as pragmatists.
The first advantage is that ozone can be made on the spot (from air) with an electrical discharge, so it does not have to be trucked to the user.
So it does not -- that cooperation continued during -- has continued throughout the unrest, even though it has been -- it has made it more difficult, this unrest.
So it does have a place for some people.
FORBES: Steve Forbes Interview: Ken Kamen, Author and Financial Advisor
There has been an almost constant stream of bad news from Japanese companies over the past few weeks, so it does not come as a great surprise that the recession in Japan is deepening.
So it does have a real benefit to the environment, to the surrounding area, to the health of the people working on the set, and also to the future of the industry and of the planet.
FORBES: Doddle Of The Dead - Putting The App In Zombie Apocalypse, Part 2
Many of the people we deal with are massively malnourished, so if we introduce a sweet beverage into their food mix, that may be the only carbohydrate that they consume at all so it does actually have an important benefit.
But administration officials insist they are philosophically opposed to the idea of routine supplemental appropriations beyond the Pentagon's regular budget, and that, in the future, the Pentagon should be adequately funded so it does not have to rely on emergency appropriations.
CNN: Sources says Pentagon to get $6.5 billion more for this year
So it does become pretty lucrative in some ways and I think for an area that's already in bad shape and that's not reviving all that quickly, it becomes very lucrative cash for certain people who are willing to take the risk.
His main theme is the imperative for the government of putting the promotion of economic growth at the heart of everything it does, to re-engineer the British economy so that it does not stagnate in a Japanese way forever.