It is not so much that construction is now shrinking, so much as that construction remains in a shrunken state.
For all her professed patriotism, however, the issue isn't that New York is so much flyer than London, so much as that Winehouse's trainwreckery has squandered whatever goodwill she once claimed in the colonies.
If Vertex wins, it may not be because it had a better drug so much as that it found a smarter way to study it, in a way that will make it easier for patients to take.
Mr. SCHWEITZER: Well, we had to prove that it was both unique in terms of climate and topology, that there was a history of being called the Ramona Valley and that there were grapes growing here, not necessarily that there was any wine industry so much as that it was possible to grow grapes in the Ramona Valley.
Not that anyone in regulation ever had even so much as an inkling that the whole rating biz was just a tad conflicted when all those uppercase letters and minus and plus signs were being awarded.
FORBES: Regulators And Traders Fail To Keep Pace In High Frequency Markets
Another possibility is that you get so much as return of capital that your tax basis shrinks all the way to zero.
We must ensure that they have as much information as possible so that these decisions are informed.
He can do well in relatively low-cost elective matters like Lasik eye surgery or cosmetic dentistry, but not in the high-price emergency situations that cost so many times as much and that virtually all of us eventually face.
Hemingway still stands as a model for emphatic prose, so much so that his spirit has been summoned as a guide to the age of Twitter.
Oiticica was not concerned with material culture so much as the ways that performance, playfulness and ritual define Brazil's visual landscape.
So much so that as the project continued I continued to let greed get in the way of providing the right kind of service to my client.
FORBES: Your Project Failed? Don't Blame Microsoft. Blame Me.
It is not so much that America is ungovernable, as that Mr Obama has done a lousy job of winning over Republicans and independents to the causes he favours.
The author explains that wreckers were not so much vicious as desperately poor, and that coastal communities saw ships' cargoes as theirs for the taking because they would otherwise be consigned to rot on the seabed.
It s not so much that the fundamental index bought value as that it swung between value and growth, leaning toward value when value was out of favor and toward growth when growth was out of favor.
As with so much that Mr Banks says, it is not clear whether this was meant as a joke.
He put his hand on the door, as if to go, then he turned and smiled, not so much at me as at something that had just crossed his mind.
The idea reminds me of nothing so much as the Bloomberg terminals that you find in financial institutions.
Meanwhile, FASB has fiddled with the accounting rules so much that, as one of America's most dynamic business executives, T.
Only one kidnap victim has ever been so much as injured, and that during a shoot-out between police and tribesmen.
Here the issue is not so much secrecy as the fact that other, all-American anti-missile projects are backed by stronger military and industrial lobbies.
It's not telling us how it's going to invest, so much as creating the impression that it has the ability and desire to "save the world economy".
His bald head is radiant, his skull capacious, and the black hair at his temples resembles nothing so much as the laurel leaves that used to wreathe the heads of victorious Roman generals.
That builds so much buzz that, as we know so well by now, almost any new product has people camping overnight in front of Apple stores to be among the first to buy it.
FORBES: Why Would Apple Want To Invest In Twitter--Or Anything Social?
Whether or not this is true for any given individual, the fact that pharma continue to spend so much on these activities suggest that as a whole, we are probably more susceptible than we believe.
As happens every so often in asset protection planning, this theory has gone around so much that it is beginning to be accepted as gospel by some planners.
An economic example would be when the media and so-called experts talk about a recession so much that we accept the hypothetical as inevitable.
FORBES: What's Good For Small Business Is Good For The World
The problem with the manned space programme is not so much that it is an expensive waste of money as that it lacks a serious goal.
In this case the center will do as much research as it needs to do so that it can attract drug company investment.
My reasons are not so much civic as dramatic -- that is, selfish.
CNN: Lance Morrow: Why Ralph and Pat should be in the debates
"It's not so much that the brand as we know it is dead, but the way it's communicated has changed, " Cohen says.