My heart broke for her, she looked so sad at the end of that moment.
"It is so sad to lose a wonderful lady like Annette Funicello, " said comedian Don Rickles.
"So sad to hear of David R Ellis passing, " the Pulp Fiction star tweeted.
"So sad to hear of the death of Terry Nutkins, " he wrote on Twitter.
"Every time I hear Danny Boy I reach for a tissue because it makes me so sad, " he added.
We feel that Handel Cossham left it for the people and to close it would have just been so sad.
In October, Windsor revealed she planned to leave the show, saying she would be "so sad to leave Peggy behind".
"It's so sad for Jonathan, he's such a good player and a great lad as well, " said the Spurs boss.
"When I heard that, I was so sad, " said Ms. Richeux, a 43-year-old director of a charity for educating migrant children.
It is so sad that deaths occurred and horrible injuries occurred, but at least we saw some good come out of it.
"It is so sad that Tony Scott's company went into liquidation but we would like a festival this coming year, " she said.
"I feel so sad because so many people died, " the 6-year-old says.
As I fold and scrub, I think of those whose lives are so sad right now, and I send them loving thoughts.
"That's what makes me so sad and so mad, " she said.
CNN: Video of church's 'casting out' gay 'demon' in teen sparks anger
"So sad to read about passing of Ernest Borgnine, " she wrote.
"It makes me so sad, he did so many good things and he meant so much to us, " said Xiomara de Avilan, a grocery-store clerk, who expressed concern over Venezuela's stability.
Those claims are "both ludicrous and funny, if it wasn't so sad, " said Mohamed Abdel Dayem, the program coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists' Middle East and North Africa program.
"This is so sad, this has happened to me a couple of times in the past when I first started dealing with internet dating, " posted Ronnie Williams in a CNN story on the hoax.
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Ultimately it's so desperately sad that a combination of circumstances that the sailing community knew could happen, did happen.
Machismo is idolised in the culture of the virile gaucho or cowboy riding the pampas on his horse, or the well-dressed city slickers who are the subject of so many sad tango songs.