It's a shame to lose Ronnie and I'm so sorry for his loved ones.
"I would like to say that I'm absolutely so, so sorry, " a tearful Arlene Castro told ABC.
"Karen, I am so sorry that these children were so mean to you, " wrote one commenter named Mary.
Dr. KHALIDAY: I'm so sorry that my story is very sad, because this is the reality in Baghdad.
"We are so sorry to lose Mother, " her children said in a statement.
And I'm so sorry for having to put you through this, for having to put our family through this.
"I'm so sorry for everything that has ever happened, " she says she told him, in case they didn't make it.
CNN: Boston bombings destroy dancer's foot, but not her spirit
"I would like to say I'm absolutely so, so sorry, " she said.
"I'm so sorry, " he said, immediately planting his sneakers on the floor.
WSJ: Michael Chiklis | Heavy Opportunities | A Cultural Conversation by Joanne Kaufman
Roger Buckingham, 31, charged with murdering Piotr Mikiewicz, apologised to the man's family as he gave evidence at the Old Bailey, saying "So sorry".
What about all those families in Africa I don't know, I can't pick up the telephone and call them and say, I'm so sorry this happened?
CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington
"It's easy to be polite to say 'We're so sorry this happened' and give the same speech at the next killing a month from now, " Jackson said.
She said the accusations against her father have left her "really disappointed, embarrassed, mainly devastated, " adding that she is "absolutely so, so sorry" for the whole ordeal.
So sorry, please come choose another platform and try again!
"I'm so sorry, " she said upon meeting Minneapolis Mayor R.
CNN: Driver makes dramatic underwater escape after bridge collapses
"I let her know that I was very, very baffled, what had happened and apologized for my son, along with I'm so sorry what happened to you, " Hawkins said.
"She looked so sorry for herself, tucked away in this boatyard, surrounded by numerous other boats rotting away in a type of nautical graveyard, " said boat builder and new owner, Dan Stevens.
"I began to weep telling her 'I am so sorry for the things I did in the past, ' " Garrido wrote about his wife, adding that he experienced a feeling of remorse he never had before.
CNN: Kidnap suspect: Mind control helped stop my sexual urges
I'm so sorry about their families.
CNN: War-scarred Baghdad places little faith in U.S. election
As you will know (don't yawn) if you read this column, this economic malaise has been characterised by many weak businesses being put on life support and turned into the living dead, or (to use what is now a cliche, so sorry) zombies.
In a London restaurant, a guy in a pinstripe suit said, so sorry for interrupting our roast lamb, but would the cartoon depiction of Obama in Muslim dress and Michelle in old-school Black Panther gear worry middle Americans even more than Reverend Jeremiah Wright?
"Clearly the worst day was Abu Ghraib, and seeing what went on there and feeling so deeply sorry that that happened, " he said at the time.
CNN: Abu Ghraib head finds vindication in newly released memos
"Clearly the worst day was Abu Ghraib, and seeing what went on there and feeling so deeply sorry that that happened, " Rumsfeld said shortly before leaving office at the end of 2006.
If you must think mixed descent a perversion, then homosexual itself is your target (but so sorry, queer-bashers is heterosexual).
Despite their utility, candles were expensive, inefficient and often smelled, so few were sorry to abandon them in favor of oil lamps and electrical lights.
Far too bulky, plus it's so yesterday (sorry, Woz).
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