So what I'd like to do is to learn more specifically about what's happening here.
So what I would recommend is take a nibble at SPY, and hold onto that.
So what I tell myself is that we will not turn back now, not now.
So what I think we need to do is to increase our domestic energy production.
So what I want to do is -- now, I just want to take some questions.
So what I remind people is that Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.
So what I said was let's keep them to a minimum, but I couldn't excise them all.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
So what I want everybody to know is Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.
So what I want to do is start with Christina Lomasney, who is the owner of Modumetal.
So what I'm wondering is, does he consider health care passed as soon as the House votes?
So what I want to say to you is you've been kind and understanding to me today.
So what I'll try to do is be a good team member as we focus our way forward.
So what I ask of you, graduates, as you walk out of here today is this: Pursue success.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Commencement Address at Miami Dade College | The White House
So what I want to say to you, Johnson Controls, is: There is nothing wrong with our country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Johnson Control��s Battery Plant
So what I want you to understand is that Barack Obama knows what it means when a family struggles.
So what I'm trying to do is just talk the truth to the American people and to the world.
So what I say is, I say, 'All I know is, they were here when I came back from lunch.
So what I want to do is work with West Virginia to figure out how we can seize that future.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
So what I'd like to ask is: what do you consider the most important policy distinction between the two of you?
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
And so what I told my Republican colleagues is, look, I'll be there with you in terms of securing the border.
So what I'm trying to underscore is what the people in Elkhart already understand: that this is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill recession.
And so what I think persons on the rest of the spectrum have to demonstrate is that there can be a multifaith perspective.
So what I remember now about the day Stan McKechnie almost killed his brother is how the light changed after the snow melted.
So what I really want from this State of the Union for the rest of this term is a sense of this reality.
And so what I've said is that I'm prepared to work with Democrats and Republicans to start dealing with that in a serious way.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget
So what I'm trying to do is make three books that stand up independently, yet the third volume would have to contain them all.
So what I like to do is elect an official and send him to Washington and have all you smart guys figure that out.