Blackburn had to withstand some incessant pressure as they employed their strategy to soak up pressure and catch City out on the counter-attack.
Villa's 10 away wins in the Premier League is the best record so far this season and has owed plenty to their ability to soak up pressure and catch teams out with their pace in attack.
In any case, for those of you who want to know more, we recommend checking out those meeting notes to soak up as much detail as you can.
Think back to the 1990s when consumer electronics companies tended to launch an innovative product with a high price to tempt the early adopters and then, generally, reduce the price to soak up a wider market (sometimes stripping out a few features).
But a trillion dollars over 10 years will not only soak the rich, it will suck the life out of the economy.
Mr. Leon said he tries figure out how to get the students to soak up the information, not just for tests, but for life.
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Every attendee will be looking to soak up every second of Weezer they can get out of the trip, which could be a daunting task for the once reclusive Cuomo.
Swish the clams gently in the water and let soak for a few minutes, then lift them out with a wire-mesh skimmer and place them in the other pot of cold water.
Some people have looked at the idea of grinding up peridotite and using it to soak up emissions from power stations, but the process turns out to be expensive, partly because of the costs of transporting all the rock.
You will find yourself in the midst of a sensory assault as you soak up the aroma of roast chicken and bratwurst, pick out a colourful gingerbread heart to take home to your loved ones and avert your gaze from the pimply-faced teen who has had one beer too many.
Hodgson had another try ruled out for another forward pass from Brown after Huddersfield had been forced to soak up intense Salford pressure.
Mr Adair used underground water to soak the area for miles around and then laid explosives, with which he blew out the fire.
We need to remind those who want to soak the rich that revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product has remained relatively stable while spending is out of control.