Soapbox Science aims to make a real difference to the visibility and perception of women in science.
Since its inception in 2011, over 85 women have presented at Soapbox Science events around the UK and Ireland.
Social media does embolden haters but it also provides a new soapbox for great experiences.
Could it be that soapbox speeches do not matter so much on this continent?
Each speaker takes to their soapbox to champion science to the general public.
She wrote into our Soapbox blog to let us know how the economic crisis is affecting her.
During a lengthy confirmation battle, Dr. Koop pledged not to use his office as an antiabortion soapbox.
Soapbox Science, the initiative championing women in science, returns this summer to present the wonder of science to the masses.
Like other potential champions of true free-market capitalism, Yunus has the soapbox to help make it happen.
Melissa Parker of Sacramento, California is one of our listeners who shared her financial struggles on our Soapbox blog.
Mr. ALI: Well, I'm going to go back to my soapbox once again.
There's a community news section that functions as a virtual soapbox on topics as diverse as personal finance and race.
Meanwhile, other video sites including Dailymotion, MSN's Soapbox and Myspace have all employed Audible Magic to filter all uploaded content.
Both men are tiny, but the new prime minister will need a taller soapbox from which to project his message.
It could be that mounting the physical fitness soapbox--or conceding any ground to nutritionists--is a mistake for a company like PepsiCo.
God Bless you and may the bird of Paradise fly just a little higher while you stand on your soapbox tomorrow.
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Some industry watchers think mounting the physical fitness soapbox is a mistake.
Free, user-friendly blogging software has turned the Web into a virtual soapbox.
On the weekend, you will find throngs of people lying on the grass, street dancers breaking down to boombox tunes and soapbox orators ranting.
Another lesson learned the hard way: Don't hire virtual interns, says David Simnick, 25, co-founder of SoapBox Soaps, a health and beauty brand since 2010.
Instead, it is helping to provide a soapbox for people like Goldacre to lambaste the industry on issues that some of its members are already addressing.
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Freedom of speech is more than shouting your ideas from a soapbox on the corner, and it frequently involves spending money to get the message out.
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Since 2011, Soapbox Science has been used as a platform to showcase some of the most eminent female scientists in the UK at the height of discovery and innovation.
But Byrne simultaneously has been trying to light a fire about a controversial phenomenon in trading known as naked short-selling, and his soapbox may have become bigger this week.
John Major was credited with dealing with hecklers well when he stood on his soapbox to shout above a Luton crowd during the 1992 general election campaign.
BBC: The public encounters politicians might prefer to forget
Arguing for more films based on games is a shaky soapbox to stand on as the results of such projects have largely been bad, with only a few exceptions.
Michael Arrington over at Techcrunch has rather taken to his soapbox to demand that journalists should walk out of their jobs at even the merest hint of their bosses telling them what not to write.
The prime minister - who after a slow start found his campaigning feet when he reverted to using a soapbox to address crowds in the street - made much of his Brixton roots, most memorably in a election broadcast.
This thinking becomes a little difficult for some to grasp, because, after all, your website is your online soapbox to shout out to your audience all the great things that make your business unique and better than the competition.