Yahoo Labs looked at 45 news sites, slicing the social actions in different ways.
FORBES: , Facebook and "Like" Clouds: A Social Media Report Card, of Sorts - Forbes
That Forbes post I referred to above ranked No. 26 in Facebook social actions in the time period.
FORBES: , Facebook and "Like" Clouds: A Social Media Report Card, of Sorts - Forbes
Yahoo Labs also tracked Facebook social actions plus Tweets for sites that display page views per post (Forbes, Gawker, Business Insider and
FORBES: , Facebook and "Like" Clouds: A Social Media Report Card, of Sorts - Forbes
The New York Times had the most social engagement in the last three months of 2010, with nearly 7 million Facebook social actions.
FORBES: , Facebook and "Like" Clouds: A Social Media Report Card, of Sorts - Forbes
Using data gleaned from public profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Miso and Get Glue- Trendrr is ranking the volume of buzz and social actions (check-ins, tweets, posts) for terms associated with TV shows- a top ten for cable and broadcast.
FORBES: Stargate Universe Beats Snooki ... On New Social Network TV Charts
The games are a combination of simple one-question quizzes, sharing information like your ZIP code or e-mail address, and social actions such as Tweeting or following the organization on Twitter, Liking something on Facebook, or posting something directly to your timeline.
Other executives have drawn scrutiny for their social-media actions in the past.
WSJ: SEC Says Companies Can Use Social Media to Alert Investors
If they do, they will find that much to their surprise, the social costs of actions will be far smaller than they expected.
These newly released men might fairly have believed that they had achieved a great social victory through their actions and their sacrifice.
Even Millennials realize a disconnect between their social engagement and online actions only 2% of Millennials find their online philanthropic involvement satisfying, says TBWA Worldwide.
FORBES: Are Millennials Lazy Or Avant-Garde Social Activists?
There's really little that can be done to stop the current trend of outsourcing manufacturing to China, as most corporations are still not tending seriously to the social costs of their actions.
The Bush campaign insisted the magazine inaccurately quoted Bush and that the president was taking the necessary actions to protect Social Security.
But we understand, we know what happens, we know the catastrophic actions with things like Social Security and Medicare if you threaten the solvency of the government.
Second is the use of independent auditors to examine the actual social and ethical impact of corporate actions, particularly in the light of expressed intentions and goals.
Last Wednesday, Wells Fargo's chief information security officer, Rich Baich, said companies need to think in advance about how so-called hacktivist groups, which use cyberattacks as tools of political or social protest, might respond to actions they takes at any point in time.
Social games on Facebook typically have asynchronous actions: a player does something, and other players react later, and not in real time.
These are lofty, but attainable goals, as long as we have leaders who are brave enough to fully consider how their actions affect job creation, social stability, economic prosperity, trust, and free markets.
What this suggests is that the inflated expectations of the initial hype cycle have passed and now marketers are focused on finding the value in social media with more targeted insights and actions.
FORBES: IBM Releases 'The State of Marketing 2011,' Analyzes Usage of Social & Mobile
She told the Guardian newspaper that Mr Balls had been "staggeringly irresponsible" and his actions had left children's social care in "complete disarray".
Facebook expanded its platform to enable developers to publish a much wider range of information and actions that people take to the social network.
FORBES: Facebook Expands Open Graph To 60 New Apps, Many More Coming
The IRS rules allow the tax-exempt entities to participate in those actions, as long as promoting social welfare remains the primary focus of the group's activities.
Although he is not a professional athlete, Walzer demonstrated a professional understanding of social technology that led him to trigger the actions of a shoe manufacturer.
The primary purpose of the East Gateway Triangle (EGT) Neighborhood Initiative is to foster collaboration between residents and public, private and community organizations on actions that will address the underlying social and economic problems and improve the quality of life in this neighborhood.
But the actions of prosecutors risk undermining the broader social system, with even more serious consequences.
FORBES: Too Big To Indict, HSBC, Barclays and UBS Set Ugly Precedent
It will take a similar system of public and private actions to lay the foundation for a new Social Compact, and to sustain it long enough to make up for the past 30 years of wage stagnation.
FORBES: "The Economy" Not Acceptable Answer to Your Request for a Raise
While many will consider he should have resigned earlier, his actions appear to show that he did take the social responsibility of his job seriously.
He also recommended that the next round of structural funds prioritises actions which have the potential to have a transformational social and economic impact on Wales in generating jobs at all levels and sustainable growth.
There is hope, though: social networks have started to have an accelerating effect on the practical implementation of the ideas originally published by the Ivan Illiches of this world, through the online actions and interactions of a growing innovative band of social networking school-builders, curriculum designers, teachers, parents and students.
Mr Speaker, everyone watching these horrific actions will be stuck by how they were organised via social media.