• This is because the numerous social and economic benefits of living near water tend to outweigh the risk.

    ECONOMIST: Deforestation and floods

  • The criteria will set the a minimum standard for sustainability for the tourism business, covering the social and economic benefits of tourism as well as its impact on a destination's environment and cultural heritage.

    CNN: Giving something back

  • Control of energy resources, he argued, could provide social and economic benefits to the whole of Scotland - while suggesting that Scotland could look forward to at least forty more years of returns from the North Sea, shared or otherwise.

    BBC: Alex Salmond keeps the faith

  • The second report will take the form of an in-depth research paper that will examine, and aim to quantify, social and economic benefits, evaluate different deployment and financing models, and look at the different technologies that can be employed to bring maximum speeds and network reach at affordable prices.

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • He says his plans will deliver lasting social, environmental and economic benefits and improve the lives of the 5m people who live under the flight path at Heathrow.

    BBC: Lord Foster unveils plans for Thames Estuary airport

  • Despite efforts to conserve and manage such landscapes, there is limited empirical information concerning their social, environmental, and economic benefits and opportunities.

    UNESCO: Scotland��s Wild Landscapes Conference

  • Social justice is based on equal rights for all peoples and the ideal that benefits from economic and social progress are for all people without discrimination.


  • With well designed digital health services and devices, individuals can take ownership of their own lifestyle behavior and health, which in turn will bring about significant economic and social benefits globally.

    CNN: Your phone will know you're sick before you do

  • The study also found that Scotland was already reaping economic and social benefits of hosting the international event.

    BBC: Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games 'on track'

  • He said there were educational, economic and social benefits of being online at home that could not be ignored.

    BBC: Poorer pupils to be given free laptops

  • Local governments were interested in FTTH because of the economic and social benefits it brought in its wake, said Mr Helsen.

    BBC: Home fibre plans survive downturn

  • The economic, social and peace benefits a successful new round would bring will make ours a better world in which to live.

    FORBES: Commentary: On Events at Home and Abroad

  • She said it should be replaced by a guideline to award contracts to "the most advantageous contract in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits".

    BBC: EU procurement rules to be changed

  • Business Minister Ed Davey said it was "only right that we at least look at what the potential economic and social benefits of any change might be".

    BBC: UK clocks change trial being considered

  • Public investment in regeneration brings long-term economic and social benefits.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • He recognizes the many economic and social benefits of competition and innovation but is troubled by the implications of the changes for democracies and for cooperation on global problems.

    WSJ: Book Review: The End of Power

  • "The research and development carried out in IME is to advance economic growth for Singapore and deliver on healthcare and social benefits, " it said.


  • "This pilot program will help the CDA achieve many economic, operational, environmental and social benefits, achieving our goal of balancing people, planet and profit, " Aviation Department Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino said in the release.

    CNN: Chicago airport gets goats

  • Women find themselves in most cases, not only excluded from equal social and economic opportunities in general, but also in terms of the benefits offered by ICTs.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • The benefits of water cooperation, in economic, social and environmental terms, are considerable.


  • It would have also resulted in economic chaos, devastating communities across the country and costing governments tens of billions of dollars in additional social safety net benefits and lost revenue.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on GM IPO

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