Pat Brown was a committed progressive who actually believed in both social and economic progress.
Yet water and sanitation facilities are a key ingredient of social and economic progress.
For communities and nations, educated citizens provide the foundation for sustainable social and economic progress.
Brendan Murtagh, an environmental planner at Queen's University and one of the Housing Executive's advisors, argues that areas that are most mixed show the greatest social and economic progress.
Social justice is based on equal rights for all peoples and the ideal that benefits from economic and social progress are for all people without discrimination.
Although it is widely recognised that eliminating gender disparities with regards to access to education is essential for long-term social and economic development, progress towards this objective has been limited as evidenced by, for example, the limited range of adult literacy programmes targeting women.
That's what success will look like: stable Iraq where you're making political progress, the essential services are being provided, economic progress, and the social progress that needs to be taken as well.
Much like the Clinton administration, the Bush team is banking on trade as an engine of both economic and social progress.
The UNESCO Chair in International Development promotes economic and social progress in developing countries with specific emphasis on the needs of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
For reasons that I am unable to fathom, for no person is less interested in sports than I, the United Nations Development Program regularly sends me updates on its efforts to promote economic and social progress through athletics.
One of the other things that has been a steep learning curve for us - painfully so, I may add -is that we have come to have unanimity on the fact that security is a precondition not only for the political progress that we have just been talking about the last 15 or so minutes, but also for economic and social progress.
Mr Brown, in a speech in London, said that economic progress and social justice should go hand in hand.
The Annual Ministerial Review is organized each year by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs to assess progress made in the implementation of the MDGs.
While the debates on the measurement of economic performance and social progress more often than not adopt a technical stance, this technicality must not mask the challenges linked to measurement.
Stiglitz was chair of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress in 2008 and last year was appointed to the United Nations General Assembly as chair of the Commission of Experts on Reform of the International Financial and Monetary System.
In spite of isolation on the rebate, a real opportunity is emerging for consensus and progress on EU economic and social reform.
It has presided over the consolidation of Chile's democracy, almost two decades of economic growth and stability, and much social progress.
We proved that economic efficiency and social justice are not opposites but partners in progress.
This rapid economic progress was combined with big social advances in literacy and life expectancy.
If one looks past the superficial concern about growth at Brazil's economic fundamentals, its resources, and the extraordinary social progress that the country has made in recent decades, it seems premature to remove the "B" from BRIC.
President Vicente Fox has made little progress in passing the reforms to speed up economic and social development that he promised on being elected in 2000.