"We found direct evidence that friendships provided a social benefit to mothers and infants, " says Nguyen.
Social Security is perhaps the most popular social benefit program ever devised by Congress.
Maybe he gained some social benefit by sharing the video with a friend or a broader Internet audience.
"The Internet has given the world unimaginable economic and social benefit during these past 24 years, " said Kramer.
For decades, giving for social benefit and investing for financial return have been practiced as separate and distinct activities.
We've long suspected that mother-infant pairs got some social benefit from the male friends, but this benefit had never before been documented.
Not only are the Routemaster's curvy lines more beautiful, they argue, but their layout requires a conductor to sell tickets a social benefit, they claim.
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Conducting business as usual is sufficient social benefit.
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So, higher capital standards, some limits on leverage and prohibition of derivatives with no apparent social benefit may have done 90 percent of the good that needed doing with many fewer unintended consequences that are bound to come out of a 2000 page document that no single person has read yet.
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There is a loophole that allows the stay-at-home spouse to receive a benefit without having to wait for the higher-income spouse to collect their own Social Security benefit.
FORBES: Five Things You May Not Know About Social Security, But Should
Price indexing involves changing the fundamental Social Security benefit formula for calculating the future benefits workers would receive at retirement (not the post-retirement Social Security COLA).
FORBES: How George W. Bush Lost Personal Accounts For Social Security
That then ups COLA, which is applied to the Social Security benefit to keep pace with inflation.
WSJ: Refiguring Inflation With 'Chained CPI' Will Hit Retirees' Income
Moreover, as Thaler points out, you have the option to increase your Social Security benefit, simply by waiting to claim.
But you must also be at least 62, remain unmarried and not be entitled to a higher Social Security benefit of your own.
WSJ: Refiguring Inflation With 'Chained CPI' Will Hit Retirees' Income
Some people may want to take their Social Security benefit earlier than later either to enjoy now or to reinvest and enjoy later.
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Alicia Munnell, who heads Boston College's Center for Retirement Research, balks at Shoven's notion that the Social Security benefit age should keep going up.
We could perhaps modify cost of living increases or further reduce the initial Social Security benefit for people who retire before 66 years of age.
Their coupons are not directly taxed, but they can raise your Medicare premiums and increase the percentage of your Social Security benefit subject to tax.
Simply put, having money in an IRA can allow you to time the receipt of that income to avoid being taxed on your Social Security benefit.
In addition to this, the days when an employee could count on the company pension and Social Security benefit to provide a decent retirement income have faded.
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New welfare and social-benefit laws in many states bar recent immigrants from assistance unless they have American citizenship or have worked in the United States for a long time.
However, moderates are more interested in job creation than deficit reduction, and will be very wary about any GOP proposals that alter Social Security or other social and benefit programs.
At 4.30pm the Work and Pensions Committee quizzes the final witnesses in its inquiry on Universal Credit, the new social security benefit which replaces Jobseeker's Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credits, Housing Benefit and other working-age benefits with one single payment.
The Refresh Project harnesses social media tools to empower communities to support projects that benefit social and environmental causes.
Parents of the post-war generation are probably going to be fine, having social safety nets like defined-benefit pensions, Social Security and Medicare.
In a previous article we reviewed the very confusing Social Security Spousal Benefit.
If you can afford to delay taking your Social Security retirement benefit, do.
In that case the IRA assets would have been used up much more quickly than otherwise, and no surviving spouse is available to carry on with the Social Security survivor benefit.
FORBES: The Dilemma: File for Social Security Early, or Use IRA Funds?
In the United States, new corporate forms (such as the Benefit Corporation, flexible-purpose corporation, social-purpose corporation, L3Cs and benefit LLCs) have recently emerged to better address the needs and goals of social entrepreneurs, but these changes are not standard across other countries.
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