With my social conscience newly rediscovered, it was time to find a route into teaching.
And one sure way to determine the social conscience of an individual is to get his tax-reaction.
Build a social conscience and benchmark yourself with the best in the world.
The group's patriarch, Antonio Ermirio de Moraes, is well known in Brazil as a man of austere habits and a social conscience.
But I think that there is a growing appetite out there, for what I might describe, or what has been described as, Thatcherism with a social conscience.
His company is a combination of 200-year-old Schweppes and 150-year-old Cadbury, imbued with the strong social conscience of the Quaker Cadburys and owner of some of Britain's (and the world's) best-known food-and-drink brands.
Mr. West took to Twitter to suggest the rich need more of a social conscience: "There are so many billionaires in the world that can come together to redesign it, " he told his followers.
But when Peter Bakker, the CEO of European logistics company TNT, decided he wanted to do something to tackle world hunger, he quickly discovered that having a social conscience had business benefits of its own.
He spoke about how two of his great-grandfathers had moved to find a better life and how another started work at the age of 12 in a colliery - and that these events had helped shape his "social conscience".
Public Enemy - formed in 1982 by rappers Chuck D, Flavor Flav, Professor Griff and DJ Lord - is widely considered to have given a social conscience to early hip hop, with politically charged tracks such as Fight the Power.
BBC: Disco diva Donna Summer to join Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
BET, treasured by some as the only channel devoted to black entertainment, is trashed by others for a lack of social conscience, a surfeit of crude comedy and a predilection for music videos rife with flashy cars, quivering cleavage and gyrating hips.
Now, however, it's available here, and after a second reading for the purposes of writing this month's recommendations, I can assure any reader on the hunt for a powerful and complex crime novel with a social conscience that this is a book that shouldn't be missed.
Its social policy will focus primarily on protecting freedom of conscience in an increasingly pluralistic society, while undoing the excesses of the drug war and punitive sentencing for nonviolent crime.
In COMMANDS project, contrary worldviews join forces focused on the belief in Education and Social Transformation, taking the life histories as starting points to contribute to the creations of a critic conscience.
We have articulated a clear a vision of a progressive party of conscience and reform, which will change the very nature of British politics, and fight for social justice and the environment.