The publication covers a range of key areas, such as legal, social, economic, health and environment implications of e-waste.
Creating a sustainable, economic, social and ecological environment that provides everyone the opportunity to succeed is my mission in Congress.
The council said the work had taken four key factors into account - social, transport, environment and economic.
Traditionally, the region has focussed on nature, ecology and the environment rather than the social and economic dimensions of SD and this will need to be addressed through ESD as well.
He said that energy is the golden thread that connects economic growth, increased social equity and preserving the environment.
What does it entail: It requires a change of mindset to bring about full integration of the needs for economic and social development with that to conserve the environment.
Under WMO leadership, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services contribute substantially to the protection of life and property against natural disasters, to safeguarding the environment and to enhancing the economic and social well-being of all sectors of society in areas such as food security, water resources and transport.
Long-term social and economic improvement will need closer attention to be paid to the environment.
The criteria will set the a minimum standard for sustainability for the tourism business, covering the social and economic benefits of tourism as well as its impact on a destination's environment and cultural heritage.
Particularly in Africa, women leaders would ensure that socio-economic rights, including the right to health, education, social security, and a safe environment, are justifiable and guaranteed in national constitutions - instead of being hidden in the directive principles of state policy chapter of national constitutions, a practice that has been adopted by some African countries.
Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive hub for foreign investors in light of various economic, political and social reforms that are sweeping through the continent, resulting in a much improved business environment conducive for foreign direct investment.