"How one behaves when one meets the Queen is fairly self-evident and obvious, " said David Williamson, co-editor of Debrett's (the last word in socialetiquette).
Social peculiarities can be subtle or drastic, ranging from a lack of interest in spending time with other people to problems reading socialetiquette and emotionally inappropriate behaviors.
Since the time of the cavemen ("How Kill Mammoth, " "How Make Fire"), these celebrations of self-sufficiency have run the gamut of topics, from carpentry and socialetiquette, to stock picking and six-pack abs.
Operating in a country with a history of thousands of years -- and ways of doing business that go back as far -- it is valuable to develop insight into China's business culture and socialetiquette to avoid misunderstandings that could scuttle deals and harm working relationships.
The firm started a blog on social media etiquette in early 2009 when few others were willing to breach the boundary of the company intranet to focus on connecting with employees and customers.
Marketing is more concerned with brand sentiment and traditional call center agents not trained in social customer care do not fully appreciate the nuances and etiquette of social care.