Well, thank goodness ET is here to shine the spotlight on the hitherto unknown and unfair social practice of slim, pretty women getting more attention from men than fat ones.
The gastronomic meal of the French is a customary social practice for celebrating important moments in the lives of individuals and groups, such as births, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, achievements and reunions.
This combined art and social practice is still the primary occupation of women in the village who create distinctive tablecloths, napkins and show pieces while sitting together and talking in the narrow streets or on covered patios.
Conn, runs his Social Security practice out of a collection of connected mobile homes in Stanville, Ky.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
It can be hard if your social media practice is at work and you lack confidence in some element of the brand or product.
FORBES: 7 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Skills And Influence
Today, she no longer needs intensive treatment -- just one session a week to practice social skills.
Students were given new experiences to build background knowledge and practice social skills.
Among their conclusions, the researchers said there was a need for a wider examination of social care employment practice.
Savill, who represents himself in the virtual world using an avatar named Dave Sparrow, said one benefit is that visitors can practice social interaction and find information about the condition.
CNN: iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction
This means building a flexible education system where children practice solving social and environmental challenges.
FORBES: How To Build A Resilient Society Through Social Entrepreneurship: Lessons From Korea
Meritocracy is impossible in theory or practice without social structures that set and enforce sportsmanlike rules of the game.
FORBES: I Went To College, Law School, And Grad School - Because I Wasn't Born Elite
It is co-founded and run by ICAEW and WWF-UK, supported by social change practitioners Hara Practice Collaborative who work with us to develop the process as the project emerges.
The increased number of American students can also be attributed to the modern practice of social networking, a mechanism for students to share pictures and stories with friends (and thus, prospective students) across the pond.
FORBES: Influx of American Students Cross the Pond for Education
The companies that are supporting this lawsuit risk losing not only the confidence of investors and the consuming public, but also fighting a battle against a fast-evolving and increasingly coordinated movement to push broader disclosure, to bring enhanced transparency to corporate practices and decision-making and to ultimately make companies practice corporate social responsibility throughout their operations and decision-making.
Well, they were surprised and took to their social networks to condemn the practice.
Conservative British MEP Marina Yannakoudakis added that the move would end the practice of "social dumping".
Ceri Jones is a freelance practice teacher in social work and has worked with people who self-harm.
This is the usual practice in financing Social Security benefits when there is a cash flow shortfall in Social Security.
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Practice climbs, social events and corporate-style teambuilding days were all employed to try to instil an atmosphere of mutual trust within the group.
With that scale and speed of practice with their social experience they could then jumpstart their own appeals to customers to attract more customers through their friends and friends of their friends.
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Ironically, this practice increased my social graph.
FORBES: How I Improved My Social Media Standing With a 30-Day Detox
The European Community regards the protection of consumer data as a basic human right, one whose legal provisions, (The Right to Be Forgotten), grant legal provisions implemented in practice within the social and online context of European consumer behavior.
FORBES: The EU's 'Right To Be Forgotten': What Data Protections Are We Missing in the US?
The aide, who asked to remain anonymous, said congressional staffers are regularly briefed on social media security, a practice which intensified after Rep. Anthony Weiner claimed his Twitter account was hacked during a scandal that forced him to resign in 2011.
FORBES: U.S. Government Twitter Accounts: Just As Vulnerable To Hacking As Burger King's
Dr. Natasha Burgert has written about how social media has changed her medical practice.
We need to be assured that significantly more people are in work than if the programme had not existed and that wider social benefits are being delivered in practice.
Mr Balls said that "in the first year of practice, we put social workers in situations without proper support and probation" that newly qualified teachers, police officers or doctors would never have to face.
While many institutions and endowments practice some form of social investing, the number of investors who screen companies for religious reasons continues to grow, says Lloyd Kurtz, a financial advisor with Wells Fargo who has worked in social investments for 15 years.
Political Islam prescribes a set of specific social, economic and legal practices in a way that is very different from the more general social teachings (such as calls to practice charity or strive for justice) found in the spiritual dimension of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other world religions.
They represent contemporary business ethics that have evolved since 1970, good business practice and an opportunity for building social capital and reputational good will.
FORBES: Friend or Foe? Fiduciary Duties Meet Socially Responsible Investments
Ms Hutt said the Welsh Assembly Government's strategy for autism would spread good practice across Wales and contribute to tackling social exclusion.