Sarkozy, the tough-talking former interior minister, won on a platform of economic and social reform.
His Utopian community in Florida stood in the great tradition of populist social reform.
They favour a free market and less drastic social reform than that advocated by Khatami loyalists.
Mr Karamanlis's biggest mistake has been to ignore social reform, in particular of education, health and policing.
His masterly inaction in domestic affairs allowed the Liberal party to capture the agenda on social reform.
The feel-good factor allowed the conservatives to ignore the pressing case for social reform, particularly in education, health and policing.
But like Brazil's Lula, he has moved to the centre, and seems to want to mix social reform with economic orthodoxy.
The marriage law is seen as France's most important social reform in France since the abolition of the death penalty in 1981.
In spite of isolation on the rebate, a real opportunity is emerging for consensus and progress on EU economic and social reform.
Sensing this, the winners have wasted no time in putting forth their most specific plansto date for both political and social reform.
It is radical social reform that will help us deliver long-term savings in public spending by reducing the demands on the state.
Much of the left has abandoned revolution for democracy and social reform.
In contrast, every major successful social reform -- from Social Security to Medicare to welfare reform -- has earned broad bipartisan support.
The success of America's biggest experiment in social reform depends in large part on how many people can find, and keep, private-sector jobs.
At the Barcelona Council, the 13 candidate countries will for the first time be included in formal meetings to discuss economic and social reform.
It is not surprising that some philosophers, such as Thomas Malthus and Jeremy Bentham, tried to remove emotion from their visions of social reform.
There is scope for the new government to strike deals to its left on constitutional and social reform, and to its right on the economy.
Were the economy booming, as it was for most of the past decade, Mr Lagos's message of more of the Concertacion's social reform might appeal.
Lula and his party not only stood for social reform but claimed, from their experience in local administration, a monopoly on clean government in Brazil.
Some argue this is the most important social reform in France since the death penalty was banned in 1981, says the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris.
Critics worry that the Bank will lose its leverage to enforce corporate and social reform, because a guarantee loses it the option of stopping loan disbursement.
Economic and social reform seemed to me the overriding objective.
Hardly the stuff of religious reconciliation and responsible social reform.
However, Beveridge also took an early interest in social reform.
The question here is whether union priorities, often concerned with social reform and working conditions, square with those of most investors, which generally is to get the highest return possible for a given amount of risk.
Gathering social scientists and policy-makers from Lithuania, Estonia, Italy and Japan, this one-day conference will explore social reform in Europe and several countries, the trends and perspectives of the pension systems, labour legislation and gender equality.
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Syriza and the DemLeft do not even want to leave the euro: Syriza's proposal is for Greece to declare a selective moratorium on debt repayments and use the euro bailout money for a programme of social reform.
In this video, Edgar Morin proposes seven inseparable reforms - economic reform, social reform, political reform, ethical reform, reform of knowledge, of education, and of the way of life - in order to explore ways to reach for a new kind of society.
The string of measures was a strange mixture of well-meaning steps at social reform, half-baked schemes for quasi-socialist industrial planning, regulation to protect consumers, welfare programs to help the hardest hit, government support for the cartelization of industry, higher wages for some, lower wages for others, on the one hand government pump priming, on the other public economy.
FORBES: Kaiser's Postulate: Bringing Free Market Economics to South America