Social scientist also show that men like the income of those pesky, problematic career women.
He was a social scientist who did politics and a politician who did social science.
As a social scientist, I felt that there wasn't a future for our country without a future for Latin America.
Bhatia, 31, a social scientist from Medway, Massachusetts, died in a roadside bombing May 7 in Afghanistan, BAE said.
So who better than a high-powered social scientist who also happens to be a Roman Catholic to prove them wrong?
Even a social scientist should be able to recognize that parents' evaluations of their own success as parents might be a little skewed.
WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It
In a talk at Columbia University's sociology department, renowned social scientist Donald MacKenzie gave some words of warning and advice about the financial markets.
The social scientist Dr Joe Smith, co-author of the Open University's climate change textbook, thinks the way climate science is conducted should be reappraised.
One Saturday in November of 1984, James Flynn, a social scientist at the University of Otago, in New Zealand, received a large package in the mail.
Add to this the fact that she is a social scientist, a professor of anthropology, and you have somebody who is likely to be a secular humanist.
Mr. Guinness, 71, a social scientist and great-great-grandson of Dublin brewer Arthur Guinness, has written or edited more than 30 books on subjects such as religion and politics.
"There has been an element of overreach but I think Mr Hazare and his aides have also learnt a lot from the campaign, " says social scientist Yogendra Yadav.
As a social scientist I wondered if anyone has as yet studied whether high tech companies have more than their fair market share of the LEED certified buildings in the US?
"It becomes a challenge because we live in Peter Pan houses, designed for people who never grow old, " said Susan Bosak, a social scientist who is overseeing a program to boost intergenerational engagement in Tulsa, Okla.
As a social scientist, career woman (not gal) and parent who has been married for 20 years, I find Noer's article to be vicious and disrespectful to the increasing number of women who either need or want to develop a professional lives while successfully balancing their personal and parental responsibilities.
Political scientist and social commentator Wambui Mwangi of Toronto University says politicians have taken advantage of historic tensions.
Ditto every single fireman, public school teacher, Marine, sailor, airman, soldier, national park ranger, defense industry employee, NASA scientist, social worker, librarian, etc.
When community groups send out appeals for help, convince local merchants to volunteer supplies and staff the tables providing coffee and donuts for the volunteers, we create the social capital which the political scientist Robert Putnam has identified as crucial to healthy societies. (His famous example was that of the choral societies of northern Italy).
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They have titles like experience designer and senior technology scientist and director of social media.
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If you are a scientist, read Stanford Social Innovation Review to learn about philanthropy in the 21st century, social entrepreneurship in Brazil, or the challenges to serving on a non-profit executive board.
On Monday I attended a dinner hosted by Andreas Weigend, former Chief Scientist at Amazon and head of the Social Data Lab at Stanford University.
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Dr. Andreas Weigend, former Chief Scientist at who now teaches at Stanford and directs the Social Data Lab, delivered an excellent presentation titled How to Use Social Data to Rewrite the Rules.
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