Everyone would receive more in retirement than the old Social Security system could possibly pay out.
Much has been written about the ills of our Social Security system as it stands today.
They would each be perfectly free to stay in the current Social Security system.
When America brought in its Social Security system in 1935, average life expectancy was only 62.
Taxing gasoline is as popular with politicians as tampering with the Social Security system.
We should make the Social Security system a source of ownership for the American people.
She receives no extra income and my earnings disappear into the social security system somewhere.
At bottom, the Social Security system and the nation face a crisis of political leadership.
This, the administration argues, makes the reform of the Social Security system all the more urgent.
At the time the Social Security system was created, life expectancy was 64 years.
FORBES: Why Does The Federal Government Subsidize Retirement?
Today there is wide belief that our Social Security system is challenged, or even poised for failure.
It is described as the most radical shake up of the social security system in 40 years.
At the inception of the Social Security system in the 1930s, its actuarial assumptions were flawed.
President Bill Clinton has proposed solving the problems of the Social Security system before touching the surplus.
Strongman Augusto Pinochet removed price controls, privatized government companies and the social security system, and increased trade.
FORBES: Why Big Government Distrusts "The Rich" -- The Real Reason
Marilyn Cooper Baker: I would like to see the members of Congress pay into the Social Security System!!
Properly structured personal accounts would actually give them more for retirement than the existing Social Security system possibly could.
The issue back then was the Constitutionality of the newly minted tax known as the Social Security system.
The proposal on social security system and tax reform is supposed to be drafted by a government-DPJ working group.
In my last article, I noted how the Social Security system fails actuarially.
FORBES: Fixing The Nagging Problem Of Social Security -- Part 2
The home base will be used to establish which country's social security system is used by cabin crew staff.
Sadly, the hash the White House made of reforming the Social Security system has turned this Administration and Congress cautious.
By doing so, it recognizes two essential realities: the seven-decade-old Social Security system needs to change, and it will.
Reid, Boxer voted in the affirmative on illegal aliens being able to participate in our Social Security system (May 2006).
Blacks are stiffed by the current pay-as-you-go Social Security system, because they die younger than whites and so collect fewer benefits.
Still, as a generation, they will have paid less into the Social Security system than they are expected to take out.
It is also worth noting that the process would also begin to negate the entire point of the Social Security system.
FORBES: The Real Truth Behind The 47 Percent - Why Aren't These People Paying Federal Income Taxes?
But it would be most imprudent to stall on fundamental reform of the Social Security system and trust to these uncertainties.
In 1935 IBM landed a contract to tabulate employment for the Social Security system and put those dusty punch-card machines to work.
For you, the Social Security system will not change in any way.