In a world where the largest social unit is the tribe, clan or what-you-will of a few hundred people, your neighbours and your other allies will normally look a lot like you, and act similarly.
But as the government says, the Social Exclusion Unit is not just about fighting social ills, it is also about creating better services for the individual and the community as a whole.
Rita McNamara, what marks would you give the social exclusion unit out of ten, so far?
The church's Social Service Unit, founded in 1948, helps and cares for about 7, 500 homeless people annually.
The NYPD has already launched a social media unit to track criminals on Facebook and Twitter.
But the Social Research Unit charity said the programme was not a "panacea".
The recently established Social Exclusion Unit, headed by Moira Wallace, a feisty new-style Treasury official, is the model to watch.
The application by the council's special Anti-Social Behaviour Unit against the youths could open the way for a flood of similar requests from other councils.
Others argue that new institutions such as the Social Exclusion Unit and new policies such as the New Deals for young people and communities are significant measures to tackle the causes of crime and are ones which would not have been promoted by the Conservatives.
That impression grows when you take a closer look at the three areas identified by the social-exclusion unit.
Dr Parkes, head of the MRC's social and public health sciences unit in Glasgow, said it was wrong to blame social problems on TV.
Social value starts at the unit of one: one person, one community, one product or service.
Since bitcoin, just as the Internet, recognizes no political boundaries, Krugman resists seeing the global monetary unit as something social.
The research team, led by Mark Petticrew of the Medical Research Council's Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow, said a link between the way people cope with cancer and their chance of survival was "biologically plausible".
In order to drive performance and raise the bar, we established Ferd Social Entrepreneurs as a separate business unit with their own management, strategy, and allocation.
They say the Force has developed a domestic violence plan with a central referral unit for risk assessment and specialist officers, a pilot multi agency risk assessment unit involving Health and Social Services and specialist review panels to review all their domestic violence investigations four times a year.
The study was performed by New Media Strategies, a Meredith Corp. unit that specializes in analyzing social-media advertising.
Though average wages at Fiat's plant are only around 60% of those at Ford's, the company claims that when the social and medical benefits that it provides are included, the gap in unit wage costs is not huge.
"As well as providing extra help in areas of communication and social skills, this centre will give children with autism a new, dedicated unit, specialising in their education needs, " she said.
The new unit, Nielsen BuzzMetrics, quickly became a leader in the field of social-media monitoring.
Using social media and word of mouth, the company offered to match the purchase of every unit with an equivalent contribution of product for the victims of Sandy.
FORBES: GoalZero -- How To Create An Industry (And A Profit) By Doing Good
The book also highlights new initiatives and alliances such as the, the Green Development Initiative which aims to establish an area-based certified biodiversity unit, the ISEAL Alliance which is exploring the biodiversity dimensions of environmental and social certification schemes, the Malua BioBank in Malaysia, and Mission Markets which has established an e-platform for biodiversity deals.
FORBES: Making the economic case for business and biodiversity
In Britain, such funds, locally known as unit trusts, have become a booming industry, thanks to a deep stockmarket and a modest social-security system.