• Even more, it highlights the fundamental challenges of a social welfare society, and the extreme vulnerability of business and capitalism operating within it.

    FORBES: European Socialism: Why America Doesn't Want It

  • The goal of Data Privacy Day is to educate people and companies on the vulnerability of personal data, including information shared on social networks, financial data and anything stored on cloud services.

    CNN: Heather Kelly,

  • For example, the funding agencies of the Belmont Forum have established joint calls that will bring together new international partnerships of social and natural scientists working on specific themes, such as freshwater security and coastal vulnerability.

    UNESCO: Future Earth: Global platform for sustainability research launched at Rio+20 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • She said the "ongoing conflict, high levels of insecurity, widespread impunity, collapsing economic conditions and rising social conservatism are impacting directly on the daily lives of Iraqi women and placing them under increased vulnerability to all forms of violence within and outside their home".

    BBC: UN urges end to abuses of women

  • Three days later, the same hacker exposed a vulnerability in an application called iLike that allows users to list favorite music tracks on the social network Ning.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This increases the vulnerability of everyone to HIV infection, since people infected with and affected by HIV avoid contacting health and social services for a diagnosis, for information, education or counselling.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

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