The majority of Danish politicians intuitively believe that capitalists are an unpleasant necessity to generate the revenues to fund the socialwelfare state.
His is acute in pointing out that the debate over raising the consumption tax to fund old age socialwelfare programs is missing the critical issue which must be to restore economic growth.
Indeed, many shareholders themselves use significant amounts of the money they make from their investments to help fund charities or otherwise improve socialwelfare.
Nonetheless, it concedes a local officer may have succumbed to pressure from the militants and misused money from a company fund set up for the socialwelfare of the Assamese people.
"If gaming and betting is regulated in India, it will benefit exchequer and could potentially fund sports development, social protection or welfare schemes and infrastructure development plans, " it added.
The trust funds of both Social Security and Medicare are shrinking, and the reduction in FICA tax rates further depletes Social Security and speeds its transition from mock retirement fund to de facto welfare scheme.