The council said 70% of its social workers had less than two years' experience since qualifying.
Fortunately, said Mr. Knudsen, the social workers never called on all 11 at the same time.
But he said previous governments had had a "fundamental lack of confidence in social workers themselves".
Risks to children were not always recognised and written down by social workers' managers.
BBC: Vulnerable children in Norfolk 'put at risk', says report
Off air, In Touch produced the aforementioned handbook which became the blindness bible for social workers.
And never mind principles: even the homeless have names, histories, and inquisitive social workers.
However, the report recognised social workers and managers were striving to improve the service.
By contrast the serious case review makes extensive criticism of social workers involved in the case.
BBC: Baby P examination details 'ignored' by official report
Social workers acted after receiving an anonymous call telling them about the couple's UKIP membership.
Meanwhile three social workers who were sacked after Peter's death have appealed against their dismissals.
In 1980, I was one of the original twelve Navy social workers ever recruited for active duty.
Three-quarters of the doctors have emigrated, along with more than half of nurses, physiotherapists and social workers.
Ofsted inspectors will spend a total of eight days examining the work of the city's social workers.
BBC: Ofsted inspectors go into Birmingham children's services
So he teamed up with nurses and social workers from Rady to create a formal transportation program.
Under the bill, social workers will have new powers to enter homes and speak to vulnerable adults.
The report praised social workers as being "very committed to helping children and protecting them from harm".
Social workers in the "Baby P" case were criticised for not removing the 17-month-old from his home sooner.
Top graduates are to be encouraged to train as social workers under new plans to improve the profession.
"This paired with the evident lack of credence given to social workers, is causing unnecessary delay, " she said.
The Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) says Ofsted's inspectors are not talking to enough social workers.
Two months later, after prodding from a couple of social workers, the parents asked the police to investigate.
The claim alleges social workers should have removed the six children from the family home before Khyra's death.
It is as much the Children Act as fashion that encourages social workers to keep unpromising families together.
Child protection services will also be reformed under a recommendation that social workers and police should work closer together.
Volunteers range in age from 18 to 81 and include college and graduate students, doctors, lawyers and social workers.
The WPA also employed 125, 000 engineers, social workers, accountants, superintendents, supervisors and timekeepers scattered in every state and community.
Jonathan Dunning, branch secretary of UNISON at county hall, said social workers were facing increasing workloads and declining resources.
BBC: Vulnerable children in Norfolk 'put at risk', says report
He added that the same now needs to be done for social workers.
Vital information which could have alerted social workers to the abuse was not shared by the various bodies involved.
Experienced social workers are leaving Birmingham for other jobs and his comments are likely to speed up the exodus.