Respondents were asked if they socialised people from their host country in daily life.
Socialised medicine, as practised more or less everywhere outside America, scores better in this respect.
But even in Europe's most socialised bastions, hospices tend to be privately or charitably funded, at least in part.
The pair's supporters socialised outside the closed pub for the next few hours.
BBC: Pair ��overwhelmed�� by response to gay kiss at Soho pub
For example, some Armenians who escaped in 1915 were re-socialised as Turks or Kurds, without entirely losing their genetic memory.
There will be little appetite in future for such hybrid entities, whose profits are private but whose risks are socialised.
And the reasonable goal of restricting banks from taking private risks with socialised consequences may in some cases reduce their value.
"They are often socialised in their early years away from areas where communication is vital, towards more practical things, " Dr Powell said.
The children your correspondent met in Georgia were confident, gregarious and socialised a lot, albeit mostly with families doing the same thing.
America and other bail-out nations have in effect socialised their banking systems.
If anything about American transport policy deserves bashing it is the socialised infrastructure with all the misallocation of resources associated with government intervention.
"In the past, members of the House of Lords have been added only gradually, and become socialised in the chamber's practices and conventions, " it noted.
Amtrak is a socialised undertaking, owned and operated by the government.
As double-or-quits bets go, there cannot be many worse than that not least because a system that provides privatised profits with socialised losses cannot be allowed to persist.
The fear of European-style, "socialised medicine" still looms large, however.
Is there a new kind of capitalism evolving here, one that is not solely driven by markets and market regulation but instead is more of a socialised milieu, something we are not entirely clear about, but which seems to stand somewhere between socialism and capitalism?
FORBES: The Emergence of Social Capitalism: Adaptation or Threat?