Municipal socialism may seem an odd strategy for the world's capital of capitalism to embrace.
In December, Morales' Movement to Socialism party won almost 54 percent of the popular vote.
He thought of himself as a socialist, but his was a very British sort of socialism.
Chavez's vision of 21st century socialism emphasizes the use of state oil windfalls to fund social programs.
In 1933 Charles Darrow produced a much simplified version that eschewed socialism and used Atlantic City place names.
And the choice these days is not so much between capitalism and socialism, but between degrees of openness.
It was the first signal that Labour was re-engaging with the world and rejecting Bennite socialism in one country.
Some leaders of his Movement to Socialism want to bring the election forward.
Mrs Castle had used the years out of power to promote herself as a true custodian of British socialism.
His party, the Movement to Socialism, also looks set to gain control of Congress when official results are eventually declared.
Evo Morales, for example, as well as leading the country's coca growers, is the head of the opposition Movement Towards Socialism.
Netanyahu's own lesson from the Spanish Inquisition is that for Jews, assimilation is as much of a utopian path as socialism.
But for true believers, what mattered was that Barbara Castle continued to stand for that seductive, if self-contradictory, idea, British socialism.
Chavez, though cancer-stricken in recent years, had led the oil-rich Latin American nation for years by espousing a fiery brand of socialism.
Even under Yugoslav socialism, the Slovenes had close ties with western businesses.
It's a kind of socialism wherein people pay according to their means.
For years after its post-World War II independence then-Ceylon tried outright socialism.
Under Ali Hassan Mwinyi (1985-1995) and Benjamin Mkapa (1995-2005), the country edged away from socialism and its economy started to grow again.
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Ipso facto, Obama's reform ideas become "socialism" to his Republican critics.
The contention is that the United States, with its commitment to free markets and low taxes, could never rely on big-government socialism the way other countries do.
Republican wonks may complain that European-style socialism is bad economics, but, really, the root fear is that the wrong political economy can wreck a culture.
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As in Bolivia, the more prosperous lowlands may resist highland socialism.
First, the Mitterrand presidency moved from doctrinaire socialism towards pragmatic agnosticism.
Fortunately, though, a quest for a sort of Medieval socialism does not play well with American voters, so opponents cast about for logical-sounding arguments that focus-group better.
At its very essence, socialism is focused on opening up access and ownership of wealth, products and services to all or as much of the general population.
If the backlash comes, it may begin with the European left, which initially saw the new British leader as someone who might reinvigorate socialism and social democracy.
In short, the Broad Front stands for a distinctively Uruguayan brand of socialism, a mix of protest against the country's limited economic liberalisation and nostalgia for better times.
Old Labour supporters, who never signed up to his vision of a "third way", independent of unreconstructed socialism and old-fashioned capitalism, saw an opportunity to make one last stand.
With the election of Nicholas Sarkozy as president of France on Sunday, free markets seemingly triumphed over socialism and raised hopes of reviving an economy that has languished for years.
Evo Morales won the Bolivian presidency in 2005 with an overwhelming 54% of the vote with his Movement toward Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo) gaining control of the lower house of congress.