The new rules bar users from doing anything online to harm national unity or incite the overthrow of China's socialist system.
The Kosovars are putting to spectacular use the skills they learned while living for at least a decade outside the creaky remains of Yugoslavia's socialist system.
In the atrium, a towering monument portraying a pregnant version of Nike, the goddess of victory, is dedicated to Rosa Luxemburg, who believed that only a socialist system could truly liberate women.
What greater example do we have of the bankruptcy of the Cuban socialist system than its need to use the full force of the state against young men who simply want to play baseball for a living?
What Noda refers to euphemistically as a "socialist system" in the countryside has helped push Japan into what Moody's notes is the highest level of debt for any major economy since the end of World War II: 140% of GDP.
If one is in a socialist system, individuals and companies are either not free to own and profit from their work or innovation, or they are on path to not being free to own and profit from their work or innovation in the near future.
Some economists argue for a break-up of the country's socialist housing system.
While Congress has freed India from the "Hindu rate of growth" and the spluttering license-raj system of the socialist era, there is one "liberating change" it has not been able to pull off the liberation of itself from the Nehru-Gandhi family.
The main opposition Spanish Socialist Party, which urges a federalist system for the regions, will be the biggest loser, dropping eight seats to 20 representatives.
CNN: Ruling party in Catalonia region loses seats in parliament
This leads to the need to adopt a reform in the educational system, especially the adaptation of the curriculum to socialist values, along with measures to neutralize the competing capitalist ethos.
But we shouldn't sort of assume that the other side is either heartless and doesn't care about sick people, or is some socialist communist who's trying to take over the health care system, or -- you know, we start getting into these caricatures of each other.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
Opposition politicians pushed for the resignation of Venezuela's prison minister, Iris Varela, after the clashes, while lawmakers from Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela praised her work cleaning up Venezuela's prison system.
CNN: With Chavez away for months, big changes roil Venezuela
They see her views, such as her calls for a shake-up to the education system and the 35-hour working week, as a betrayal of the Socialist Party's leftist credentials.