• "Indeed, the research shows that some Catholic schools have a much more socially disadvantaged intake than their location would suggest, " he said.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Schools study hints at selection

  • The panel is also recommending increasing significantly the amount of money going to pupils from socially disadvantaged background, including children in foster care.

    BBC: Panel: Too much spent on keeping small schools open

  • The Department of Agriculture is working to better serve persistent poverty in rural communities and socially disadvantaged farmers through its Strike Force initiative.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • Most importantly, they also indicate the capacity of ECE programmes to mitigate the distressing effects that socially disadvantaged environments have on child development and learning.

    UNESCO: Family Literacy Programmes (FLPs)

  • With regards to educational development, the programme has created learning opportunities for socially disadvantaged adults and thus helped to solve the problem of illiteracy, unemployment and limited productivity among this target group.

    UNESCO: Adult Learning and Illiteracy Elimination Programme

  • According to the aforementioned studies, the CLRC programme has made significant contributions to individual and community development in Nepal in general and more specifically, to the socially disadvantaged and marginalised members of society.

    UNESCO: Community Library and Resource Centres

  • According to UNESCO, a CLC is as a community-based non-formal educational institution or organisation which provides a range of services and learning opportunities to out-of-school children, youth and illiterate or semi-literate adults from socially disadvantaged rural and urban communities.

    UNESCO: Community Learning Centres

  • Dr Ron Gray, from Oxford University, who led the research added that although the differences appeared small, they may well be significant and that lower IQ had been shown to be associated with being socially disadvantaged, having poorer health and even dying younger.

    BBC: Moderate drinking in pregnancy 'harms IQ'

  • It cites as its main aims the strengthening of Bolivia's health system and the provision of "equal access to health care by eliminating social exclusion", as well as improving "the livelihoods of economically and socially disadvantaged people by increasing income and managing natural resources".

    BBC: Evo Morales on 1 May 2013

  • As a result, socially-disadvantaged groups have limited access to quality education, while some among them fail to attend school at all.

    UNESCO: Parent Empowerment for Family Literacy Project (PEFaL)

  • Ethnically, while the level of illiteracy was high among socially-disadvantaged minorities (25.6% and 23.7% for the Roma and Turks respectively), it was significantly low for privileged social groups (e.g. 0.9%, 2.1% and 1.4% for Germans, Romanians and Hungarians respectively).

    UNESCO: Parent Empowerment for Family Literacy Project (PEFaL)

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