We hoped fervently that the Golden Gate Bridge was not socked in by the fog as we flew towards the bay.
Fog is much more prevalent in Italy, where the major metros of Milan and Rome get socked in 300 days a year thanks to pollution that coagulates with air moisture from flooded rice fields.
Kimberly shares got socked hard in January after company execs, citing rising raw-material prices and margin-busting marketplace competition, offered downbeat full-year profit guidance.
FORBES: Overreaction To Two Earnings Misses Makes This Stock Look Cheap
Louisiana State Treasurer John Neely Kennedy says the state will meet its own obligations, thanks to money socked away in trust funds and two lines of credit he has arranged.
Many have socked away money in mutual funds or burgeoning 401(k) plans, reinvested dividends and capital-gains distributions, and piled up huge profits--so far mostly on paper.
His parents hadn't socked away any money in the U.S. as other wealthy Cubans had, and they were forced to leave with nothing.
"The majority of people who want this set are going to have to save up a little, " says Vidikron representative Mark Stein, although he notes that many of them have plenty socked away from success in the tech industry at companies like Microsoft and Google.
Yet those products had some regulation and oversight and authorities still missed one of the biggest scams of all time when it all melted down in 2007-2008, socked American taxpayers with a multi-trillion dollar bill and vaporized some 10 million jobs.
In fact, she would have socked away more than a million dollars by the age of 40.
Residents in blue states like California and New York will be socked hardest.
Investors really socked it to Embraer Friday morning on the news of weaker deliveries in 2011, when the market is looking for growth.
Residents in big urban blue states, such as California and New York, will be socked hardest.
Snow also socked other parts of the northern U.S., with as much as 2 feet forecast in parts of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
Late-winter snow also socked other parts of the northern U.S., which as much as 2 feet forecast in parts of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
Putting a cap on the amount that can be socked away and deferred means that the money could still be put aside for retirement, just not in a tax favored account.