Foods also scored points for having low amounts of added sugar, sodium and saturated fat.
Ingredients processed with sodium still have a place in the cupboard, provided you use them judiciously.
He also emphasized that take-out is sodium-laden, sometimes of questionable quality, and less imaginative.
None of the schools met the sodium benchmark, based on the 2005 dietary guidelines.
If the label gives the sodium content, multiply by 2.5 to get the amount of salt.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | How do I know if I'm eating 6g of salt a day?
In December 1995, the Monju fast-breeder reactor at Tsuruga sprang a leak in its sodium-cooling circuitry.
Standards for both groups included no more than 770 milligrams of sodium per meal.
Sodium pentothal -- the original " truth serum" -- was discovered in 1936 by Ernest H.
Become sodium-aware in restaurants as well -- understand the levels in soy sauces, ham, and cheeses.
The average American consumes far more, however, eating about 3, 900 milligrams of sodium a day.
This slowly moving clump was composed entirely of sodium atoms, effectively turning light into matter.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Cool clouds turn light to matter
Staessen and his colleagues divided the study participants into thirds according to their estimated sodium intake.
Too little or too much electrolytes like sodium and potassium in the body can cause trouble.
Neither sodium nor chloride is considered a known health threat, the parish said, citing EPA data.
He said the force also runs an intelligence-led drink-drive operation throughout the year, called Operation Sodium.
The production of sodium hydroxide in the first place requires vast amounts of energy.
This means, men who are trying to eat lower-sodium foods may be ingesting more chemicals.
The first step to keep sodium under control is to make smart choices at the grocery store.
Low-sodium soy sauce, tamari, and fish sauce add meaty, round notes in addition to a salty flavor.
It is the most abundant peptide in our brain, affecting everything from heart function to sodium balance.
What's attached to sodium is often the magic-maker, yielding a firmer canned bean or a crispier cracker.
Compared to typical sports drinks, coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium, but higher amounts of potassium.
For the last 40 years, sports drinks have been stuck in the same artificial, no-nutrients, high-sodium category.
FORBES: BodyArmor SuperDrink up to Five Athlete Endorser-Investors
Darden will also reduce total calories and sodium by 20% across their menus over the next 10 years.
When fat, a major vehicle for flavor, is removed, other ingredients like sodium may be added to compensate.
"Only a quarter of sodium intake actually comes from salting our food, " says AHA President Dan Jones, MD.
Sometimes organic versions of packaged foods are lower in sodium than regular and reduced-sodium versions, but not always.
And all salts contain sodium, regardless of the cost or whether it comes in grains, crystals or flakes.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | How do I know if I'm eating 6g of salt a day?
However the group recommended that Subway increase the whole-grain content of its breads and continue to lower sodium.
Ingredients that hold moisture, including autolyzed yeast extract, sodium phosphate, and soy protein concentrate, further soften the food.