"I think we ought to get rid of labor union and corporate soft money, " he said.
Ney, meanwhile, says the parties use soft money for admirable purposes, including voter registration efforts.
The arrangement enabled the RNC to, in effect, spend soft money helping GOP candidates.
Agree to ban all soft money, as a first step to total campaign reform.
Russ Feingold, D-Wisconsin, want to ban all "soft money" contributions -- unlimited donations to political parties.
The soft money guys have had the freedom to do what they like since 1971.
Both support the current McCain-Feingold proposal to ban soft money unregulated contributions from special-interest groups.
The hard-money totals more than make up for recent bans on "soft money" contributions.
The Shays-Meehan bill would, for the most part, ban unregulated, soft money donations to the major parties.
But even some business groups are coming down on the side that wants to end soft money contributions.
Like the McCain-Feingold bill in the Senate, Shays-Meehan would ban unregulated, "soft money" donations to the major parties.
Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, both of whom have proposed limits rather than a comprehensive ban on soft money contributions.
While Bush would ban soft money contribution by corporations and unions, he opposes such a ban for individuals.
Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, "only legalizes soft money" because it doesn't ban it altogether.
It is not clear whether campaign-finance reform is possible, let alone whether banning soft money is a good idea.
The DNC spots were funded with so-called "soft money" -- funds intended for party-building or get-out-the-vote drives, not for specific campaigns.
McCain and his supporters argue that a large percentage of soft money donations are spent on such radio and television spots.
Lazio insisted his campaign paid for the ad with a direct contribution and has not used soft money in his campaign.
CNN: Clinton hits Lazio over campaign reform in New York debate
It would mean they would have to work harder getting smaller donors, and would rely less on soft money from the parties.
He said the president believes strongly that soft money -- unrestricted funds to political parties -- from corporations and unions should be banned.
The Governmental Affairs Committee's new path of looking at the legal practice of giving soft money is just a temporary tack, says Thompson.
But on the most important piece of current reform legislation, the McCain-Feingold bill banning "soft money" contributions, Gore has to keep his distance.
Card said the president supported a bill that would impose greater disclosure requirements for contributions and stop soft money contributions from corporations and unions.
The very next morning, he challenged George Bush to ban all soft money, all independent expenditures and all 30-second commercials in the fall campaign.
It's against the election law for political parties to use the unregulated donations they get, known as soft money, to promote a particular candidate.
His interest in overhauling the campaign-finance system continued with his support of the McCain-Feingold Senate bill, which introduced bans on soft money to national parties.
"Soft money" is the term used to describe the unlimited amounts of cash that may be pledged by individuals or by organizations to the parties.
Congress banned the use of soft money by political parties and certain political groups in 2002, but that law did not address activity by 527s.
Sunday's debate came just two weeks after both candidates agreed not to accept soft money, the unlimited donations made by individuals and groups to political parties.
CNN: Clinton hits Lazio over campaign reform in New York debate
The group also favors banning so-called "soft money, " unrestricted donations to parties, and providing free or discounted TV advertising to candidates who abstain from accepting private donations.