Sure, you made your name in chainsaws, but can you do nail guns in soft tissue?
Its LaserSmile system uses a laser to perform soft tissue and cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening.
Obviously, the soft tissue decayed long ago, and the skull itself is too precious to cut open.
Necrotising fasciitis is a bacterial infection which attacks the soft tissue and can be treated with antibiotics.
The theory is that cooled muscles aid recovery after training sessions and improve rehabilitation after soft tissue injuries.
For example, its Arthroscopy products are used in the repair of soft tissue joint injuries, particularly the knee and shoulder.
Such injuries go beyond the computer-related carpal tunnel syndrome plaguing office workers to include a variety of soft tissue and joint problems.
CNN: OSHA pushing for new regulations aimed at preventing repetitive motion injuries
This is why X-rays can penetrate your skin and soft tissue -- though not bone -- while sunlight mostly reflects off your skin.
Infrequent bathing can be socially, although not legally, unacceptable in our society, and poor hygiene has been associated with skin and soft tissue infections.
Think of the labrum as a ring of soft tissue that holds the ball of the femur, or thighbone, snugly in the hip joint's socket.
The technique can provide excellent, detailed images of the body's soft tissue and is an alternative to using X-ray techniques such as computed tomography (CT).
Since the vocal tract consists of soft tissue (and therefore does not fossilise), reconstructing it depends on extrapolating from measurements made at the bases of fossil skulls.
The antibiotic, also known as tigecycline, has been approved for restricted use in Scotland to treat complicated internal infections as well as those affecting skin and soft tissue.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Drug approved to battle superbug
To be termed a compound fracture, outside air with bacteria and debris are able to access the fracture site without skin or soft tissue serving as a barrier.
Biolase's Waterlase system uses a patented combination of water and lasers to precisely cut hard tissues (bone and teeth) and soft tissue (gums) with minimal damage to surrounding areas.
Usually the day before a race I'm involved in activation work with both the boys and the girls so that's any soft tissue work, joint manipulation or release and any last minute preparations for the race.
One person who taught me a great deal about being fearless was my childhood friend, Jennifer Goodman Linn, a Duke and Harvard Business School graduate and marketing executive who, this week, at just 40 years old, lost her seven-year battle with a soft tissue cancer called sarcoma.
And be gentle: If you're too rough, you can cut into the gum and cause bleeding or even a soft-tissue wound over time.
According to the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, studies of pesticide harm point to everything from elevated rates of childhood leukemias, soft-tissue sarcomas (aggressive tumors), and brain cancers to childhood asthma and other respiratory problems.
CNN: Children face danger in the schoolyard grass from pesticides
Sniffing is regulated by the soft palate, a flap of tissue in the back of the throat that directs the flow of air through the mouth and nose.