Ironically, tonight CNN Premieres its Black in America 2 series hosted by Soledad O'Brien.
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Maria Soledad's parents are more concerned with the past and their dead daughter than with Mr Menem's future.
ECONOMIST: Argentina
"Bien dicen que la soledad es dura", declara Carlos en un arranque reflexivo.
BBC: Madurar a fuerza de remesas
Originally built as a home in 1996 by Chilean migrants Soledad Sumar and Pablo Garimani, the bungalows evolved into a lodge almost by accident.
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She was also featured in CNN's most recent documentary from Soledad O'Brien.
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The current president, Eduardo Frei, and his justice minister, Soledad Alvear, have been quietly pushing ahead with a far-reaching reform of criminal justice.
Fort Soledad, atop the southern hill of the bay, is reconstructed in parts and offers the best view over Umatac and the rugged western shoreline.
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"PTSD is rarely associated with homicidal violence, " Michael Welner, a forensic psychiatrist who has worked on cases of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans charged with violent crimes, told CNN's Soledad O'Brien.
El detonante, como el mismo cuenta, fue la soledad.
BBC: Madurar a fuerza de remesas