His first feat: diverting the powerful river through four mammoth tunnels drilled into the solid rock of Black Canyon.
With sections of sand, solid rock and even worn-down bridges that drivers must inspect before crossing, the 200km road takes nearly 24 hours to drive.
The second hypothesis is that Mathilde is much hollower than she appears, making her more a floating heap of rubble than a solid rock.
No one can look down through solid rock and see how much there is, or how recoverable any of it is until they try.
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When the ocean plates sink deep enough, portions are melted by the intense heat generated within the mantle, turning the solid rock into molten magma.
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Mr. LISSAUER: We believe this discovery of this small planet is a rock-solid discovery, even though the planet itself may or may not be solid rock.
This is the home of the Patent Records Office, 4, 600 square meters of storage space hewn out of solid rock, the last repository of America's intellectual property.
Gravity pulled the water into New Orleans streets and kept it diving into basements and subbasements, stopping only when it reached the most solid rock at the lowest levels beneath the city.
Further into Epiros, the architectural wonders of the Egnatia Odos start to come to life, with tunnels disappearing for miles into solid rock and the inevitable danger signs flashing over the roads zigzagging the cliff-tops.
BBC: Driving Greece's modern ancient highway, the Egnatia Odos
Soon the window glass becomes cool to touch as the train climbs more than 1, 000 metres into a bare, otherworldly landscape of boulders and snowdrifts, navigating beautiful but treacherous mountain country through high passes and tunnels hewn from solid rock.
He leads groups over rocks and across an improvised bridge to the damp and chilly natural cave, from which the station would broadcast for up to two weeks at a time, with metres of solid rock protecting them from detection.
We won't promise tax cuts unless they are backed by rock solid savings in wasteful spending.
Relationships and partnerships with customers and communities are rock solid, and they produce tremendous returns.
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He's now in the private sector and his support for Clinton remains rock solid.
Once we had a rock solid pitch, we started shopping it around to publishers.
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And most importantly, the game ran the entire time at a rock solid 30 frames-per-second.
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Most charitable contribution cases come down to good documentation, and that means rock solid appraisals.
It is built on the Sprint nationwide backbone so coverage appears to be rock solid.
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Mr McGuinness said he had no concerns about the political process, which he said was "rock solid".
One thing we like around here is commentary that is rock solid but also contrarian and surprising.
That, plus a rock solid relationship with the boss, has been enough to win him the job.
He broke the Frenchman twice in the opening set and was rock solid behind his own service throughout.
CNN: Haas rolls back the years to stun top seed Tsonga in Munich
Way simpler to get rolling with than the PC client (no kidding, right?), and rock solid thus far.
France is considered a rock solid, core member of the euro zone, and its troubles are of great concern.
When she was pounding away, this woman was the rock solid foundation that turned each song into pure, pulse-pounding joy.
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But his answer offers a troubling false claim about a lack of scientific consensus: the consensus is rock solid.
FORBES: Obama and Romney Talk Science. If I Worked for NASA, I'd Be Worried.
Nevertheless, the official put high expectations in perspective, saying outsiders can't expect a "rock solid agreement" every time there are talks.
Surely doctors touting this theory have rock solid evidence behind it, right?
The Erbitux-kras finding appears to be rock solid, despite its retrospective nature.
At 110 mph--OK, no kids were onboard--the S4 Avant feels rock solid.