Even Dolly the sheep, who was produced by cloning via somatic nuclear cell transfer, benefited from a male imprinted genome.
The upshot of the bio-genetic revolution is the birth of somatic flexibility: our bodies will no longer be such deterministic creations.
Instead, they want to use somatic cell nuclear transfer, the same process used to clone Dolly the sheep in 1997, to create embryonic stem cells.
Behaviours could be changed, attitudes modified, mentalities transformed, but it was hard to have a dialogue with the somatic habits of infancy.
Also known as reprogrammed stem cells, iPSCs are derived from somatic cells taken from adults, and offer researchers a way to examine the development of diseases.
FORBES: Aberrations Pose A Challenge for Reprogramming Stem Cells
If I understand the tetraploid complementation technique utilized in these experiments correctly, then, scientists would no longer need to generate embryos via somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning).
FORBES: The Line Between Embryonic And Pluripotent Stem Cell Research Is Blurring
The problem is that making them using somatic-cell nuclear transfer involves breaking up viable embryos, since the cells in question are found inside early-stage embryos, called blastocysts.
Children exposed to long-term violence are also at risk for psycho-somatic symptoms such as insomnia and nightmares, as well as prone to addiction and aggressive behaviour.
Another paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine calls chronic Lyme a "functional somatic syndrome, " similar to other nebulous ailments like Gulf War Syndrome, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
So, what I intuited from my work on placebo was that many therapies may elicit healing by using the sense of touch, or more generally the manipulation of somatic attention in order to address a disordered somatic-attention system.
"Somatic cell nuclear transfer does not relate to cloning, and the people who call it therapeutic cloning are creating a lot of confusion, because it is not cloning at all, and it certainly is not reproductive cloning, " Specter said.
For example, Frances said DSM-5 would mislabel one in four people with chronic pain and irritable bowel syndrome with the DSM-5's newly created "somatic symptom disorder, " which is diagnosed when a person has spent at least six months steadily thinking of and being anxious about their medical illness.