Estimated to be around the size of Texas, this contaminated area of ocean has by some estimates more plastic than food for marine life.
Locally grown food also becomes more compelling when you look at the state of some of the world's food-producing countries which the rest of the world relies on for key produce.
You can see that many of these emerging markets need to spend as much as 30% to 50% of their income on food alone, with some spending more than that.
The starting-point should be that rising food prices bear more heavily on some places than others.
We must educate, educate, and educate some more why sustainable farming is so important to our world food supply.
Some had also lived with food insecurity, which gave them even more incentive to make the concept succeed.
FORBES: How Restaurant Visionary Ron Shaich is Tackling America's Hunger Crisis
Some moves by food companies anticipate new laws that would give consumers more information about what they eat.
The Foods Standards Agency said people should be eating more starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, some protein-rich food and less salt, sugar and fat.
But now we grow infinitely more food, and we are massive net exporters, with some 1 million jobs.
"We're looking for further progress in reforming the energy market, an end to misleading food price promotions, and more competition in banking to take some of the pressure off hard-pressed consumers, " he said.
But some agency workers have found they are being paid much more to cover the cost of food and travel than they actually spend.
Also, some 43% of the 1, 000 people surveyed said they were more likely to buy food traceable from UK farms in the wake of the horsemeat scandal.
In particular, the successful example of Swiss Life, which has seen its shares more than double since it fully demutualised last July, is giving some German mutual insurers food for thought.
While the NECC backed some of the scheme, including the food store, it said it was concerned plans for more large scale retail space would badly affect the town centre.
Economy-class passengers on trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific flights, flights to South America, some additional international routes and domestic routes lasting more than six hours also will continue to receive free food.
"They are coming closer, collecting food, rolling over, even allowing petting - in some instances the behaviour is more dog-like than fox-like, " says Dr Roger Mugford, an animal psychologist who runs the Animal Behaviour Centre.
That is great news for travellers, who could easily spend weeks exploring the region's culinary culture, particularly as some of these other chefs and food producers offer unique, hands-on experiences at much more affordable prices than an El Bulli or El Celler dinner.
And since then, here in Ohio, nearly 2, 400 small businesses have gotten loans to keep their doors open and their workers on payroll, 4.5 million families have gotten tax cuts to help pay their bills and put food on the table, some 450 transportation projects are underway or have been completed, and more than 100, 000 Ohioans are at work today as a result of these steps.
And one reason is that some of the food that's available to them is and costs less - happens to be higher calorie, more processed.