Authorities allege that Sandusky abused some of the boys on the Penn State campus.
Some of the boys are saying that you will not print this letter.
Some of the boys have struggled with the heat here more than others.
Some of the boys went snorkelling, a few went to play golf, and another group of us went to a local marine park.
It is still early days on tour and some of the boys were having their first hit-out, and playing together for the first time.
The inspector, Nick Hardwick, praised the care offered but said there were weaknesses to be tackled and he feared for some of the boys held.
Now we are well in to the new year it has been very interesting watching some of the boys attempt to keep to their resolutions.
Incidents like these happen, say some of the Lost Boys and their advocates because the resettled young men are trying to escape the nightmares of war.
Tonight I ask Congress and the American people to focus the spirit of service and the resources of government on the needs of some of our most vulnerable citizens: boys and girls trying to grow up without guidance and attention, and children who have to go through a prison gate to be hugged by their mom or dad.
Some 47% of the boys agreed that married couples made better parents than unmarried couples, compared with 32% of girls.
BBC: Marriage no longer a key goal for girls, survey suggests
There was a sense a few years ago that we were winning, and with that, some possibility of bringing the boys home.
The families told CNN they called the Sheriff's Office, and an officer came out and interviewed the boys and some of the adults.
And you can chime in on this if you want, but I wanted to ask the moms, though, about how, just in terms of figuring out what kids are going to be for Halloween, have you noticed how sort of scary and disgusting some of the outfits are for boys?
Of course, the administration's favoritism of the big boys also creates some real problems to community banks.
And while Jamie's listeners were introduced to the GLC brand of music, the boys were also able to dispense some valuable horticultural advice to callers putting their questions to Francesca Kay, the show's regular a gardening expert.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | GLC give Red Nose Day rap lessons
In some parts of the city, hawkers, newspaper delivery boys, roller-skaters, even those who carelessly kicked a tin can down the street were targeted.
Some of the little tricks that always work with younger boys are things like always sitting in a sofa, or a chair with big, soft arms if possible.
And members of some groups who traditionally circumcise boys or teenagers as a mark of group membership seem equivocal about the idea of outsiders adopting the practice.
Shapinga's football journey began some two decades ago, playing with the boys of her neighborhood despite the disapproval of her family and community.
Some women might be excluded from the old boys' club of business, or have their skyrocketing careers curtailed when they start families.
Turns out that there have been some underhanded dealings at Hammond Aerospace, and to the horror of the boys club, Cheryl is investigating.
On my second visit, I heard about some of the family reunifications that had occurred in the interim, with boys either being picked up by or delivered to a parent whom some had not seen in years.
For instance, all of the mothers allowed their children to sleep in Jackson's bedroom from the start, some of them suffered instances in which they felt their boys preferred Jackson's company to their own, and all of them benefited from Jackson's financial help.
CNN: Jackson Case: Boys' relatives: Sleepovers were innocent fun
In the front courtyard, Ana shoots a video of the boys playing so that Ramon will have a record of some of what he's missing.
So a case such as this with male victims coming forward, explaining how conflicted they felt, why it took them so long, what it did to their lives, but nonetheless giving convincing testimony that has clearly been believed by the prosecutors and much of the press, this certainly must give other boys and men some sense of possibility.
Some 46% of girls agree marriage is the best form of relationship against 56% of boys, according to the study.
BBC: Marriage no longer a key goal for girls, survey suggests
If anyone doubted the existence of a billionaire boys' club in Latin America, they got some proof in late May.
The boys have trained really hard and we've enjoyed putting into practice some of the things that Royce has brought in.
Irina Bokova participated in the Panasonic Eco Picture Diary Contest Awards, acknowledging youth engagement in the sustainable environmental protection of cultural and natural heritage worldwide and gathering some 50 young girls and boys, aged 7 to 12 years from 38 countries.