And then you say, ah, but one thing here out of all those things is different, and that is you're making somebody do something.
"I just don't understand what would draw somebody to do something like that, " Ms Duschl told US television station WMAR-TV.
Of course, it would be a merrier Christmas if somebody could do something about the miserable documentation and setup processes common to virtually all network products, including these.
Why would somebody want to do something like that to somebody of that caliber?
And there are going to be billions of dollars in defaults and foreclosures, and somebody needs to do something about this very, very soon.
"You pass a lot of agonizing hours watching somebody try to do something at the end of a cable a mile long -- down in the deep, dark ocean, " he says.
You give somebody some money to do something and most of the time you can really never measure whether you failed or succeeded in your judgment of that person or his ideas or their implementation.
Do something good for somebody and receive what you want and need?
It made me angry that somebody else decided for me, to do something that I probably would not have done if I was deciding for myself.
When somebody told me that I couldn't do something or be something, that just gave me a greater challenge to prove them wrong.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
Time is of the essence: it is not worth trying to develop something yourself if somebody else can do it either for or with you.
"Once you let somebody start doing something like that, then everybody will want to do it, " Mr. Geiske says.
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Lewyn Li:I think that genetic engineering like all technology can and probably will unfortunately do both good and evil and something like this will be funded and pursued by somebody somewhere in the world.
And I have no interest in doing something that's more expensive and harder to accomplish if somebody else has an easier way to do it.
And so if that's your driving force - because windows of opportunity are going to open, they always do in politics - and, you know, a front runner can stumble, something could happen, somebody could have a message that sort of catches fire with the American public.