Any time something goes wrong there is an immediate search for the bad guys who created the problem.
Robots are relatively cheap, hardy and leave no grieving families if something goes wrong.
When something goes wrong on Firefox, it displays a message saying "Well, this is embarrassing".
We resist making clear commitments because someone may hold us accountable if something goes wrong.
Buy why wait until something goes wrong to add this critical layer of independent protection?
So, what does this all mean when something goes wrong or there is a supply chain disruption?
Hedge funds are neck-deep in these derivatives, and if something goes wrong, the pain will be widespread.
But when something goes wrong, the brand has a very limited window in which to make things right.
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When something goes wrong, managers simply intone: It would be un-Japanese to fire anyone or to close plants.
Like air, it's all around us, but we never think about it unless something goes wrong with the supply.
When something goes wrong while flying, it can feel far more punishing than a bad hotel or unsatisfactory purchase.
"And it's an eternity away by helicopter if something goes wrong, " Whittaker said.
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And what if something goes wrong once they are back on home soil?
Doling out that kind of trust isn't easy, but if something goes wrong while you're gone, you'll wish you had.
And so often the first time we're getting help is when something goes wrong and we're going to a psychologist.
One thing that I have learned in this business is that just when everything is going great, something goes wrong.
Do they provide you with alternative ways of contacting them like a phone or fax in case something goes wrong?
You're just extra cautious because you know you can't just get off the boat and walk home if something goes wrong.
And when something goes wrong, as it did on Triumph, there are limits to how much the Coast Guard can investigate.
"If you're alone, you have to make sure that if something goes wrong, you can get out of it, " she said.
Everyone has one, but no one is willing to open them up and fix them if something goes wrong, he said.
Branding what is essentially a commodity, and one which customers interact with only when something goes wrong, is an Herculean task.
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As far as I remember, getting married is something that two people do and, if something goes wrong, there are also two people involved.
Nuclear is seemingly clean energy, until something goes wrong, and then wrong tends to be horribly wrong for a tremendously long time.
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So knowing that there's somebody there to pick you up when something goes wrong, I think is a nice thing to have.
Consumers want brands to be authentic and have a real human voice they can speak with when something goes wrong (or right).
Make sure you have all the early warning systems in place so that if something goes wrong you can change course quickly.
Ususally when something goes wrong, someone wins the battle, and someone loses.
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When something goes wrong, we look for someone to pin it on.
If someone is always to blame, if every time something goes wrong someone has to be punished, people quickly stop taking risks.
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