And if people can touch something like this, just once in their life, they'll remember it for the rest of their life.
BBC: Get up close and personal with the world's oldest football
"I don't think I'll ever be able to leave hip hop entirely, I just feel like this is something that's necessary for right now for me to get my message across in the music that I'm making right now, " Mr. Broadus says.
WSJ: Snoop Bounces to Different Beat With 'Reincarnated' Projects
So I think they just felt like they had to do something, and this is what they did.
This might just sound like something a simple chat over the radio can resolve, and normally it would be.
This might just be homework apps or maybe something more entertaining like the latest Skylanders style experiences.
Because it just seemed like a shockingly high number to be misinformed or uninformed on something of this importance.
"If something like this were to pass, it would dramatically change business models, just because of the litigation risk, " says Kurt Pfotenhauer, chief lobbyist for the Mortgage Bankers Association.
There's something so Knicks-like about this predicament, how these losses to the Pacers are not just losses, but come accompanied by a dramatic real-time locker-room soul-search, with hurt feelings and disagreements over what and whom to blame.
That is, you say, I want you to start here at a certain fine, you get a little quiet here, then lift up, or hold this note just a touch long or make it build it shorter or something like that.
It's just an amazing story - how someone can get so, you know, myopically interested in something like this.
And while it might sounds like the SEC is just digging for more dirt on the brokerages Schapiro might actually be on to something this time.