"One can imagine that to be something less than a dignity inspiring experience, " the appeals panel wrote.
It seems clear that Mr Bush will, eventually, have to settle for something less than he wants.
His new party is still something less than the sum of its parts.
ECONOMIST: Paul Martin lost the campaign, even if he wins the election
People are going to have to accept something less than the ideal, because you know what, the ideal will never become law.
The remainder, something less than 1400 feet, is still in the hole.
The pentagon has said it only needs something less than 100.
What began with a frenzy of allegations, fueled by explicit communications and accompanied by outrage, ended Friday with something less than a slap on the wrist.
The unions, for their part, drop hints in private that they would be prepared to accept something less than retirement on a full pension at 60.
Nixon devalued the dollar by something less than 20 percent (the percentage was different depending on the currency) and within 18 months American trade was back strongly in the black.
While a class action can have the virtue of assuring equal justice to all class members, it can also have the vice of binding them to something less than justice.
FORBES: Judge's Dissent In Rio Tinto Case Slams Alien-Tort Claims
But on Wednesday, he was something less than superhuman.
WSJ: For Lundqvist and Rangers, a Bad Time to Look Vulnerable
There is something less than a perfect geographic distribution.
That means finding a formula that satisfies Germany and others by making the shift to a new voting system almost inevitable, but which Poland could paint as something less than a surrender.
For the subject of such a big event, Facebook Home comes off as something less than the revolution in the mobile computing experience that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised.
FORBES: Here's Why Facebook Home Won't Revolutionize Mobile Anytime Soon
"I think there is going to have to be some sort of compromise and maybe something less than full rapids, " said Jay Wesley of the fisheries division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Determining who was involved and to what extent, however, has been hindered by the fact that at least two of the team members have refused to be interviewed and several others have been something less than forthcoming about what happened.
FORBES: They Call It Hazing: How Adults Enable Sexual Assault by Athletes on Their Teammates
To clear the backlog of cases, the Social Security Administration in 2008 pushed judges to move between 500 and 700 cases a year, something less than half of judges were managing at the time, according to Mr. Astrue, the commissioner.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
Just try pointing out that a relationship with a creature that cannot challenge you, that does not make you slog daily through the necessary compromise, debate, and occasional pitched battle, might be something less than deep and nuanced, and see where it gets you.
Still, he has made the Conservatives almost electable, something unthinkable less than a year ago.
ECONOMIST: Paul Martin lost the campaign, even if he wins the election
If something less bad than that occurs, the stocks are at least mildly cheap.
Automakers generally favor a national emissions standard, but they were undoubtedly hoping for something less stringent than California's.
She has never acted in a stage play, though, and somebody should have told her that she'd have been better off making her belated debut in something less demanding than a one-person Broadway show especially since the show is no good.
WSJ: Candide Goes to Vegas | Pippin | I'll Eat You Last | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
Increasingly, countries are dividing into one group that wants a new global treaty as soon as possible - the EU plus lots of developing countries - and another that prefers a delay and perhaps something less rigorous than a full treaty.
BBC: Climate summit opens amid big emitters' stalling tactics
In some cases, publishers played a little dance with PW, giving it an idea of how much an author sold (saying something like less than so-and-so but more than so-and-so), leaving PW to make an estimate, which is indicated by an asterisk next to the sales number.
The price of things that you might buy every day such as bread or milk is more important than something you might buy less than once a month such as a haircut.
As a result, there can be confusion as well as the use of something that is less than appropriate.
FORBES: It's Time For A Universal Performance Standard For Financial Advisors
Something important and less than ideal is happening, however.
But the more modest movements that are happening all around us, and that are the focus of my upcoming book about movement marketing, coming out of StrawberryFrog, are more often a response to something slightly less severe than strain.
If so, to the extent that these devices have more storage capacity than a wallet, are people who carry them entitled to something more than no suspicion, but less than reasonable suspicion?