"I can easily imagine that something like that could have happened, " said Mr Cluley.
You said a pimple, something like that, does that what it looks like when you first get it?
So you could say Europe, U.S. and Japan are all about the same, 2.5% or something like that.
One has to admire the sheer technical brilliance it takes to sing something like that.
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"I felt like I had the cold, the flu, something like that " she said.
No reason for anybody to think that I would ever do something like that.
Because I know at one point he was chewing a gum or something like that.
If something like that were to happen in Washington, you'd be looking around for security.
But if Mrs Thatcher's saying something like that - there must be something in it'.
It was hard for us to believe something like that could happen to someone we knew.
If you could make something like that, you would drop everything else and do it.
We're not very happy that the Austrian Government is allowing something like that to go ahead.
"I didn't ever think in a million years I would see something like that, " Smith said.
I'm really glad that you and your daughter could bond on something like that.
He said that when something like that happens, folks tend to forget all their petty differences.
Galilei discovered the moons of Jupiter in, mebbe 1608, 1610, something like that.
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Why would somebody want to do something like that to somebody of that caliber?
"I can see what people are traumatized at, looking at something like that, " Braddock said.
This is 17 million that's maybe missed one meal a year or something like that.
Perhaps that US citizens would only be allowed to gamble with US companies, something like that.
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" Haley shot him a quick glance, and Stott lowered his eyes: "Or something like that.
Anita says locals on the island used to tell her something like that had happened.
Now I'm sure nobody thought, even conceived that anybody would try something like that.
And it's just -- I mean, it's astonishing that someone would actually do something like that.
And a lot of people thought, why do you want to do something like that?
Kind of weird I suppose, looking at something like that where the critics reacted so favorably.
"I'm looking for the children that might be withdrawn or something like that, " says teacher Mike Brass.
The theory is the regular steel could chip, rust, and stain clothes or something like that.
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Mr. Clinton wouldn't say something like that if he actually believed in or understood how markets work.
Something like that used on an in-demand item during holiday season could put a serious dent in sales.
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