Of course, we all know that there is one little problem with super-sonic flight: the sonic boom.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
But, with the advancement in computational power, scientists and engineers are able to model the sonic boom itself.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
That woman would have dropped a Yiddish sonic boom on anybody and anything that got in the way of her vote.
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And, thanks to noise-suppression technology, it won't generate the sonic boom that prevents the big bird from landing in cities like Tokyo.
One particular cure that is discussed leaves one asked whether the next boom in travel might be a sonic boom from Boeing.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
By altering the design of the fuselage and wings of an aircraft, one can alter how the sonic boom is created and shaped.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
Any plane that flies past the speed of sound creates a sonic boom, which often results in a major noise disturbance over close-by areas.
Discover magazine states that current designs produce a sonic boom that is only 1.6 percent the loudness of a sonic boom created by the Concord.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
Environmentalists attacked its noisy sonic boom and its fuel consumption.
Engineers believe that within just a few years, designs will produce a sonic boom that is less than 1 percent the loudness of a sonic boom created by the Concord.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
But by taking the bang out of the sonic boom a new generation of supersonic cruisers aim to rekindle that sense of glamour while making it a quieter and more environmentally friendly 21st-century mode of travel.
"We considered over 30 designs and believe that the QSST is the only design that meets all the desired requirements including range, take-off and landing field length, take-off noise, emissions and sufficiently low sonic boom characteristics to enable supersonic flight over land, " he told CNN.
Supersonic Aerospace International have been developing a 12-seater luxury aircraft, the Quiet Supersonic Transport (QSST) jet, which they hope will take to the skies in 2013 and reduce the noise of the sonic boom to no more than the noise level of a truck driving past your window.
And, similar to Dyson, Lugg is proposing to achieve these radical efficiencies by coordinating multiple engine systems (analogous to the acceleration, inducement and entrainment of the Air Multiplier) to create optimal conditions for each stage of flight and to use the excess energy the system produces to create a plasma field to reduce drag and eliminate sonic boom.